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Stevie got up and dressed. She didn't bother with makeup and barely tried to tame her hair. Don left early that morning, and while she had appreciated his support, she was glad to see him go. It had been strange sharing her bed with him and having him behave so tenderly toward her. She hadn't been in a place where being alone was something she could do, so having him beside her had been a comfort. But she had wanted Lindsey. He was all that she ever wanted.

When Don left, he had kissed her, and she had let him. They had been through something together, and she would have felt strange rejecting a simple kiss. He told her he'd call her later and check on her, offering her caring instructions about resting, eating, and hydrating.

She had not taken anything today for her pain since she'd doubled up on dosages. She had run out early and could use something stronger than aspirin for her cramps. She'd white knuckle it until she got to the studio and then would see what she could round up.

She was far from clear-headed, but she was clear enough to know that Lindsey hadn't checked on her in days, even though he knew how ill she had felt. She also knew it was probably good he didn't come by and run into Don there. Telling him the whole story and the potential for conflict would have been too great. She didn't think she could have taken that.

When Stevie didn't hear from Lindsey, she worried if he was safe and well. In the weeks they'd recently been together, they were in pretty constant contact with each other and were usually together.

Now that she wasn't heavily medicated, she was really feeling his absence. She couldn't wait to get to work. She needed to know that they were okay.


Mick and John greeted Stevie when she entered the studio, cutting a glance at each other as they noticed how pale and gaunt she looked, weaker and more fragile than they'd ever seen her. "You okay, love?" John asked, kissing her cheek.

She nodded that she was and explained that she'd been very sick but was starting to bounce back. She apologized for any inconvenience she had caused. They both assured her she needed to take care of herself and not to worry. There was plenty to do without her pushing herself. They suggested she stretch out until they needed her.

She asked if they had anything for pain, and Mick came back with a couple of tablets that he promised would make her feel better quickly. She took the glass of water he brought her and the painkillers and swallowed them in one gulp.

She nestled into the sofa, put her head on the arm of the couch, and closed her eyes. She wasn't serving any purpose here, but after what she'd been through, being close to her band was comforting. She didn't want to be alone.


Lindsey barely said hello to anyone when he entered the building. He had asked Mick if Stevie was there, and when he nodded in the affirmative, Lindsey took off without asking anything else. He half staggered, half walked brusquely through the building, looking behind doors until he found Stevie curled up in a tight ball on the sofa, sleeping soundly.

Her coloring was off, her skin had an almost grey cast, and her hair was unkempt. Her tiny bare feet were sticking out from beneath her skirt. The way she was curled in on herself suggested that she was cold. She looked like an innocent, sleeping child, and as angry as he felt, he had the urge to lie down beside her to warm her.

However, in his next breath, he remembered that appearances were only illusions. Stevie may look innocent right now, but he knew that she was anything but. She had promised him he was the only one she wanted for always and then had seen her drop her robe to entice another man and then wrap her arms around him so he could carry her to bed. This, after weeks of telling him to trust her and that he was the one. And for what?

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