Life in the Fast Lane

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"If two lines are good, four lines are probably better, wouldn't you say, Mick?" Stevie asked the drummer. Mick agreed. Stevie hoovered up the white powder and felt better immediately. The band had decided to meet at Mick's house to discuss some of the logistics of the tour and some of the press they'd be doing. They planned on having a little cookout as well.

Stevie was anxious about being in a social setting with Lindsey, especially with just the band. They were bound to have to interact. She'd fortified herself with some brandy and some coke and felt a little high-strung.

When she'd gotten ready that evening, she took a little extra time getting ready. She wanted Lindsey to see her and regret walking away. She couldn't lie. What she really wanted was for him to come running back to her.

She decided to wear the bracelet Don gave her, which she rarely wore unless she'd be seeing him. Lindsey had seen it in the studio after she'd spent the weekend with Don when she'd fallen pregnant. It felt like a subtle way to show Lindsey that she was desirable. One of the biggest rockstars in the world, someone from Fleetwood Mac's biggest competition no less wanted her.

The underlying question she asked herself all the time was, "Why didn't Lindsey want her anymore?"

Stevie was polishing off her last line as Lindsey walked in, looking as hot as she'd ever seen him. Damn him.

He saw her sitting there holding the mirror on her lap. For the briefest second, she thought she caught a look of concern on his face. Or maybe it was judgment. He was quick to judge her every action. She wasn't sure, but she was feeling good enough now that she could handle tonight.


Lindsey greeted everyone, and though they saw each other most days, there was a festive air that made hugs and smiles feel natural. Stevie awkwardly wondered if he'd approach her or if she should walk over to say hello to him.

But, before she had to choose, surprisingly, Lindsey walked right over and sat down beside her on the sofa, "Hey you," he smiled a genuine smile at her. "May I?" he asked, taking the mirror from her and chalking out two fat lines from the pile of white powder. She handed him the straw she was holding, and he quickly made the lines disappear.

As the drug hit his system, he laughed and gave one of his weird little vocalizations that used to entertain Stevie so much. She chuckled at his reaction, and he looked at her, barely turning his head but giving her a devastatingly sexy smile. Every nerve ending in her entire body was crying out to touch him.

It had been a while since he'd looked her way, much less with a smile, and it felt good. Their thighs were almost touching on the sofa, and she was hyperaware of the heat she felt between them. She shifted ever so slightly, almost imperceptibly, in order to bridge that distance and touch him. Gratifyingly, he didn't move away, and though the micro reaction was small, she knew he was pressing back against her.

She mirrored his sexy smile and bit her bottom lip, unconsciously telegraphing her lust. He got the message loud and clear.


Mick was pleased to see the pair chummy on the sofa. When speaking to Lindsey earlier, he peppered the conversations with complimentary things Stevie had said about some of the musical choices he'd made with her songs and with some of the arrangements he'd made on the album. He also embellished just a little with the compliments he was accrediting to Stevie, throwing around phrases like "innovative musical genius" and "pioneering a new sound." Stroking Buckingham's ego seemed to have warmed him up to his ex.

They were like magnets, Mick thought. Depending on which way they were positioned, they were either drawn to each other or repelled each other. Mick just needed to ensure they were placed in a way that made their magnetism apparent on stage. Even if they were fighting, it was better than the practiced politeness of late.

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