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A small sign with neat print read "Kristen Buckingham," the driver holding the sign greeted her warmly as she arrived outside the airport. She was smartly dressed and had her jacket belted tightly against the cold. Her dark sunglasses covered her sleepless, bloodshot eyes. Last night had a terrible night and it was likely tonight would be too. The long-haul flights she'd done so close together were taking their toll on her. But she had to do what she could to salvage the life she'd created for herself and her children.

On the way to the hotel, she spoke to Karen, Stevie Nicks's long-time assistant and friend. They'd been in the same place countless times and were friendly enough. Kristen let her know that she would be there in ten minutes and wanted to speak to Stevie privately if it could be arranged. She didn't call Stevie directly for fear that Lindsey would be with her.

She let Karen know that Lindsey didn't know she was in town and she'd like to keep it that way. When Karen questioned her about her motives, Kristen was upfront. She knew the woman probably knew as much about Stevie and where all the skeletons were hidden in her life as anyone else ever had. So, she was frank, "Stevie is sleeping with my husband again, and I need to speak with her. I don't want to make a scene, and I don't need Lindsey involved. Please arrange for me to have a short visit with her, and I'll be out of there as soon as possible."

Karen had a feeling that things had shifted with Lindsey and Stevie. But she didn't think they were sleeping together, and she said as much. Kristen quickly corrected her and told her she had proof that they'd spent the last night together. While Karen expressed doubt, the younger blonde seemed convinced that Lindsey and Stevie had rekindled their affair.

Karen went to Stevie's suite to speak to her, but no one answered her door. Karen had a key, entered the room, and called for Stevie. No one answered. She walked through the various rooms of the massive suite and didn't find her anywhere. However, she did find a man's belongings strewn about—socks, a tee shirt, and a leather jacket black, the standard issue Lindsey Buckingham uniform.

Karen made a call to the front desk to find out Lindsey's room number. She knocked on his door, and to her surprise, Stevie answered. Through the door, she saw Lindsey barefoot and shirtless on the sofa, strumming his guitar.

"Okay then," thought Karen, "Kristen might know more than I do."

Stevie was barefoot, too, and wearing what appeared to be one of Lindsey's tee shirts and what must be a pair of his boxer shorts. "Lovely," Karen thought to herself and decided she wouldn't even ask.

"Stevie, I need you to get dressed and come to my room for a minute."

"Why? I'm in for the night, I think. We've been busy today," when Stevie said this, she looked over her shoulder at Lindsey, and the two gave each other a conspiratorial laugh. Karen thought she might throw up.

"I really need you to come to my room right now. Seriously," Karen implored.

"Well, I can't imagine there's anything we can't do tomorrow on the plane, Karen," Stevie said, still objecting to going with her.

"I need you. I'm having a personal problem, and I really need to talk to you about it," Karen lied. "Please, I won't keep you long. Just put on some clothes and come with me for a few minutes."

"Okay, sure, are you alright?" Stevie was immediately worried about her assistant and friend now.

"Just grab your clothes and come on," Karen encouraged.

"Well, I don't know why I need to get dressed," Stevie shook her head. But went to Lindsey's bedroom, grabbed a pair of leggings, and slipped her cardigan on, belting it at the waist. Her hair looked like she'd just tumbled out of bed with Lindsey, but she didn't really know how that could be helped at this point. She could hardly ask her to brush her hair so they could have a personal talk.

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