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2 Chapter 2

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

"Okay, don't make trouble, my sister still has something to do, you go play with dates, behave." , What should I do, the pet that I made my own sin, and I have to coax

it again

Pulling down the radish that was lying on his body, Yu Hui picked up the flower pot that he handed to him, and went to the outside of the dilapidated yard.

She had to take advantage of the flourishing bloom of the calendula in her hand and hurry up to implement the plan.

First go back to her room to wash up, take off the disguise just now, change her clothes, tidy up her appearance, Yu Hui held her pot of calendula, opened the way, and communicated with the flowers and trees in the mansion while walking, and easily found his goal.

Yu Hui's footsteps did not stop, holding the pot of flowers and hurriedly went to the backyard to the room, the Rongxing Hall where the old Duchess lived, and only arrived at the door of Rongxing Hall, far away, Yu Hui saw the owner he was looking for.

Yu Hui immediately smiled on her face and walked quickly to meet her.

"It's Mother Du, your boss is busy, where are you going"

This Mother Du, who was called by Yu Hui, is an old woman who is about fifty years a year, with a white face and a plump body.

Hearing the voice, the other party paused, subconsciously looked up, and saw Yu Hui, the kind face on the woman's face disappeared instantly, and she couldn't help but squint her eyes, hold up the high shelf, and look at Yu Hui's eyes full of disdain and contempt.

"Oh, who should the old girl be, the cousin girl didn't think about it behind closed doors in her own room, why did she still come to the old lady"

This tone, this attitude

For the sake of planning, Yu Huiren.

stepped forward with a smile, she didn't salute, as if she had forgotten, she didn't look at the ridicule in the old guy's eyes, and only handed the carefully prepared flower pot in her hand to Mama Du's eyes.

"Mama Du, I was ignorant on the front line, and I did that kind and stupid thing, thanks to the old lady's kindness and pity for the poor and weak, so I didn't care about the foolishness I committed, not only released me from the desolate yard, but also let my subordinates hire a doctor, saving my life. The kindness of the old lady, I Yu Hui grind her teeth unforgettable, and then I am an orphan again, and there is no silver in my hand, and I am also grateful for the kindness of the old lady"

Bah, bah, that's

impossible The original body is no longer the original body, and the

original body at that time was only a half-old child, not the Lord who was reborn later but did not want a body.

As a result, because of the mistake of the original body, he went to climb the bed of the same unlucky prince, and the two children did not succeed at all, and the whole government shouted and killed the original body.

Locked her up in a dilapidated courtyard with no one to eat, drink, or visit her aunt, if it weren't for the fact that later, the original aunt risked her life to intercede, afraid that the original body would really be tortured to death.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now