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Chapter 47 Chapter 47

Text: Chapter 47, Chapter 47

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In the howling cold wind, a rapid sound of gongs pierced the silence of the night.

The originally silent Hetian Juntun woke up in an instant at the sound of gongs, the dogs barking in Chaimen, the children crying, the houses with lights turned on one after another, and the impatient muttering of the people in the house, gathered together with the sound of gongs, making the whole Juntun seem so uneasy.

Yu Hui was also woken up by the sound, and subconsciously leaned up half of her body, trying to hear the movement outside through the window with several layers of cotton cocoon paper, but as soon as she moved, the little powder ball next to her woke up.


and Yu Hui are a little pink dumplings sleeping in the nest, with a sleepy face, yawning slightly, The tone is dazed and puzzled, the little meat hand keeps rubbing his eyes, staring at Yu Hui's direction in a daze, his voice is soft and cute with doubts, and a little timid.

Yu Hui was afraid that the little guy would freeze, so she hurriedly pressed the little person who was about to get up with her little body, and patted the little guy to comfort her while tucking the quilt for her.

"Rui Rui, don't be afraid, be good, you sleep with you, my cousin is here, don't run, you are obedient"

That's what she said, she leaned her body but didn't retract the quilt at all, and her ears kept probing, trying to listen to the movements inside and outside the house.

Outside the house, the sound of the gong became more and more rapid, and the people who beat the gong came from far and near, shouting the news of the rapid assembly of the soldiers of the whole army;

Inside the house, there was a sound in the east house opposite, and after a while, Yu Hui heard the footsteps of her uncle comforting her aunt and leaving the house;

Yu Hui frowned, and said in her heart, I am afraid that there is something big

about it Yu Hui, who

was constantly worried, subconsciously shouted outside with her throat pulled, "Auntie."


sending her husband and was about to go back to the room, Yu Guyu paused, looked back at the Westinghouse opposite, and came to the Westinghouse and pushed the door in.

Through the silver snow reflected in the window paper, Yu Guyu's eyes swept to the bulging quilt on the kang, Yu Guyu suppressed the worry about her husband in her heart, and tried to pull out a smile on her face to comfort the two little ones.

"Hui'er, Rui'er, it's okay, you sleep with you, Tunli notified the gathering, your uncle has gone to the pot, shouldn't there be any big deal, you can sleep with confidence."

After comforting, Yu Hui thought that she hadn't notified her family to flee in the middle of the night, it shouldn't be a night attack by the enemy, so she didn't go to her heart, but just communicated with some plants outside, and after giving an order for a defensive warning, Yu Hui hugged her little cousin's hot little body and fell asleep by herself.

She slept until dawn.

After Yu Hui got up, she sat on the kang and ate the hot breakfast brought to her by her aunt, and she realized that her uncle had not returned all night after leaving in the middle of the night.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now