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r 92 The Road to Survival in a Broken Cauldron A Clear ...

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

The pit king's heart was shocked and moved, so he was very calm on the way back to the shack by Yu Hui, and he was also very honest after returning to the shack, so honest that he even ignored Du Xinrui's despised little white eyes, and did not compete with him again.

What Yu Hui brings to him, The king of the pit eats, Honest, well-behaved and clever, Du Xinrui was surprised when she saw it, and said that this product is not a temporary bag

Yu Hui looked at the strange little expression of the little cousin and secretly laughed, and quietly took out a handful of dried dates from the space and secretly stuffed it to the little girl, which made Du Xinrui stunned, and leaned over to hook

Yu Hui's fingers in a low voice.

"Sister, this"

Yu Hui winked at the little guy, and said in a low voice, "Eat, sister specially got it for you, keep it for me to eat with my aunt, if you are hungry, you can nibble on two, and then ask my sister for it after eating, I still have it."

In addition to the gold, silver, jewelry, cloth and bedding that cannot be imported in

her space, there are only these fruits from dates and dates left.

When she was a child, she was fed by her cousin who could change magic, Du Xinrui was Xi to it, Hearing her sister say that there was also, Du Xinrui was of course not polite, carefully turned her back to avoid the pretentious ghost who was sitting at the table and pulling rice, Du Xinrui stuffed one into her mouth, and then secretly stuffed the remaining handful of dried dates into her pocket.

got something delicious, the little guy patted his bulging pocket with satisfaction, and was secretly snickering, just at this time Du Yaoze came back from work, followed by Du Yuchen, who was not worried about them.

Seeing that the hands of the two were empty, their faces were tired, and Yu Guyu, who heard the movement and greeted him, felt distressed.

"Husband, Chen'er, you're back, have you eaten"

The two who hurried back naturally shook their heads, Yu Guyu was anxious when he saw this, and hurriedly beckoned the uncle and nephew to sit down, and he took a clean pottery bowl and was about to go out.

"It's all this hour, I'm afraid that the room will end the pie in a while, you two uncles and nephews will rest first, and I will bring you food."

Du Yaoze and Du Yuchen were tired for a day, so naturally they didn't refute, and Du Xinrui, who was chewing dried dates on the side, saw this and hurriedly chased after her to say that she wanted to go together.

Yu Guyu was in a hurry, and he didn't have time to rub shoulders with his daughter, so he nodded, and the mother and daughter left in a hurry.

Yu Huimu sent away her aunt and cousin, retracted her gaze, and looked at the uninvited guy next to her uncle, "Why are you here, is it okay over there in the city tower"

Since she was confessed by this pit before, to tell the truth, she has avoided this guy a little, that is, if she can not meet, she will not meet, but he still came to the door, and he was also drunk.

Yu Hui was thinking in his heart, if this thing doesn't make sense, how should he deal with it, Du Yuchen walked over with a smile, and he was not too tired

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now