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Raiding the House > Text Chapter 15 Chapter 15

Text Chapter 15 Chapter 15

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Du Yaozu turned back tremblingly, but what he saw was the frightened picture of Xu Dog thief holding a long knife and pressing it against the neck of his eldest daughter.

"Xu Yang, what are you going to do" Xu Yang snorted disdainfully, "

Hmph, didn't you say that this is Yu Guyang, but the official wants to see if she is or not."

Du Yaozu and Qin Qing were stunned, the husband and wife never expected that Xu Yang would be so explosive, and he would do it without saying a word.

Qin Qing wanted to say yes, in order to fight for a glimmer of life for her daughter, she was dying and struggling.

But looking at the blade that was getting closer and closer to her daughter's fragile neck, and her daughter who was already scared stupid looked frightened, Qin Qing was dumbfounded, everything was blocked in his throat, he couldn't get out, he couldn't swallow it, but the fierce Lord Xu refused to let it go.

"Say, if this person doesn't say anything again, or tries to deceive the official, then don't blame the official for being ruthless."

Du Xinyue only felt that her neck was cold, and she hurriedly reached out to touch it, her tentacles were warm, and she subconsciously raised her hand to see, and what caught her eyes was a piece of blood red, Du Xinyue was suddenly shocked in her heart, and she tried to exchange identities with Yu Hui to escape, she no longer dared to have illusions in her heart, frightened, crumbling, crying and not daring to pant, but she couldn't help but survive.

"No, no, I'm not, I'm Du Xinyue, it's Du Xinyue I'm the daughter of the Du family, not the Yu family, woo woo", crying, her eyes fell on the parents who were close at hand, Du Xinyue was hoarse, "Father, mother, save me, save me, my daughter doesn't want to die, I don't want to die, father, mother"

Yu Hui, who saw this scene in her eyes, secretly sighed, sighing at this Lord Xu, well, yes, she likes it.

And Zhou Huanting in the crowd saw the farce in front of her eyes, her eyes darkened, and she couldn't help but scold the things that couldn't be on the table, but she lowered her head and hugged the person in her arms tighter.

At this time, he got the answer he wanted, Xu Yang was satisfied, Lisuo put away the knife, threw it to the sergeant next to him, looked at his hands that seemed to be stained with disgust, sneered at some people, turned around decisively, and walked towards his Taishi chair, and when he passed by Yu Hui, who was still watching the play, Xu Yang frowned.

"Why are you still here" Yu Hui came to her senses and promised with extra cooperation, "

Don't worry, Lord Xu, the little girl will go, this will go."

After the

dog's leg was promised again and again, Yu Hui turned around and left, no matter how many people and horses were ordered to follow her, anyway, she didn't lie, some things she had already prepared, not only was she ready, but in order to wait for the current inspection, she was reluctant to accept the space, so she put it in the box in the house and waited for this one.

Because it was Da Baiya who caught him, and he didn't bother the two masters, Xu Yang simply ordered Da Baifang and the other three sergeants to follow behind Yu Hui.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now