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Chapter 82 True and False Xiangrui <> The Wind Rises and Kills...

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

"What did the prince decide to do" Ignoring the smug face of the little ancestor, Xu Yang asked calmly, and King Xian paused, and did not answer Xu Yang's words directly, but looked at Lord Cai and winked and smiled, "

Old man, you go and find the guy surnamed Yang for Xiao Wang."

"Lord Wang, this is" "

Go quickly, Xiao Wang has his own clever plan."

Looking at the eager little appearance of his little master, Lord Cai suddenly understood and hurriedly responded.

Waiting for Yang Zhaoxian, who was enjoying a delicious breakfast in the house, was depressed and was brought by Lord Cai, the little ancestor went straight to the point when he saw someone.

"General Yang, when you came here before, you also said that there is a fun place in your extreme north, Xiao Wang has been bored in your mansion for these days, and today I want to go out for a walk, see and see, General Yang said that there is a fun place."

"Eh", as soon as he heard the request of the little ancestor, Yang Zhao took the lead, but he was afraid that the little ancestor would make a demon, no matter what he thought in his heart, Yang Zhaoxian smiled attentively and respectfully, "Yes, yes, it is the honor of the last general to appreciate his face, what do you want to play, where do you want to go to the sword mountain, go down to the sea of fire, and the last general will accompany you at any time."

"Eh, General Yang is busy with military affairs, Xiao Wang doesn't bother the general, Xiao Wang just wants to go out at will, take a look at the people's livelihood in the far north, and don't go far, let alone anything big, General Yang is busy with your own going, and you don't need to follow this king around."

"This, this, lord, this is not appropriate" "

General, this king's will has been decided, you don't need to worry too much."

Yang Zhaoxian scolded his mother in his heart, and said Lao Tzu is worried about you, Lao Tzu is afraid that you will find trouble, and he found that he secretly suspected that Lao Tzu would work in vain.

But the little ancestor has already spoken, and if he is entangled again, the little ancestor is afraid that he will be annoyed.

In order to coax this little ancestor, Yang Zhaoxian's mind turned around, and finally took a step back.

"The prince has made up his mind, and the last general will not dare to disobey, but the prince, the extreme north is a border fortress, and there are evil neighbors and high dogs wreaking havoc from time to time, for the sake of the prince's safety, please also ask the prince to bring enough guards to ensure safety."

Afraid that the little ancestor would refuse his protection, well, it was actually surveillance, and Yang Zhaoxian was busy adding.

"Don't worry, the man arranged by the last general is just to follow you from a distance to protect the prince, without your orders, there will never be Yaxing who disturbs the prince and your play, and please bring it with the prince, so as not to cause anything to happen to the prince, and the last will be to blame for everything."

Yes, this is a combination of soft and hard, there are so many words, Lord Cai and Xu Yang both know that this tail is not good.

Xu Yang thought, instead of falling behind his back and tracking his tail in the dark, it is better to bring this bright face, so he nodded secretly to the idle king, and when the idle king saw this, he rolled his eyes and waved his sleeves.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now