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94 The Road to Survival in the Broken Cauldron Three...

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

"Inform the whole to enter the dense forest and set up camp, and the commander of the tun will strengthen management, pay attention to the management of his subordinates, and do not light fires, make noise, or make loud noises; Qi 100 households and Xia 100 households led the patrol, and the scout battalion was out of the ranks, radiating ten miles from the center of the station, carefully probing, and if there was any change, come back at any time to report.



After a whole day's journey, the big guys were tired, although the road was quite calm, but such a huge team was actually a drag, as they got closer to Yanshan, Du Yuchen became more and more cautious.

Seeing that the night was falling, most of the people at the border were short of food and clothing, and most of them suffered from night blindness, so it was not suitable to hurry, so Du Yuchen chose a dense forest that was higher than the official road and easy to hide, and ordered everyone to set up camp.

After getting Du Yuchen's order, the scout team quickly dispatched and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye, Yu Hui took advantage of her aunt's busy tidying up the overnight camp, quietly scattered a seed to guard around, and then took out the food from the back basket she carried and handed it to Yu Guyu.

"Auntie, there is an order from above that we can't make a fire to cook, I still have some dried dates and sun-dried steamed bread slices here, you can take them to Rui Rui and Brother Jing to eat."

Yu Guyu, who felt sorry for the child, did not hesitate, nodded and took the things handed over by Yu Hui, but he was still worried about the nephew of the team leader, and said that the child was not easy, and he would send him some to pad his stomach later.

Everyone was busy, and what everyone didn't know at this time was that in a mountain field more than ten miles away from them, in an abandoned bear cave, more than a dozen men with injuries and almost skinny men were all anxious on their faces.

"What should I do, Brother Ma is in a coma and still doesn't wake up, it's hot again just now, if it goes on like this, I'm afraid that adults won't be able to bear it" "Yes, Brother Ma, what should I do"

I couldn't find some wild fruits, and as soon as I came back, I was surrounded by the brothers who stayed behind.

Hearing what his brother said, Ma Fang was anxious, put the wild fruit in the hands of the brothers, and rushed to the unconscious Xu Yang in the cave, and checked Xu Yang's situation, Ma Fang's face sank.

He can't go on like this, if he goes on like this, I'm afraid that his family will really be unable to survive, and he has to go find some herbs to come back.

Making a decision in his heart, Ma Fang got up and explained to the brothers who were crowded in the cave and rushed to him with a concerned face, "Don't worry, take care of the adults, I'll go out for another run and come back with some herbs" "

No, Brother Ma, don't go, I'll go, you've been busy for most of the day to find food for us, and now my injuries are almost healed, so I'll go."

"No, I'll go, I'll go"

"I'll go too" "Don't make any noise"

Facing the brothers who actively said that they wanted to go by themselves, swept over their injuries, as well as the rapidly slimming down body, Ma Fang has a tough attitude.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now