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Chapter 17 Chapter 17

Text: Chapter 17, Chapter 17

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Of course, Yu Hui also knows that the deal that is in a hurry is not a good deal.

Yu Hui suppressed her anxiety, pretended to be calm on her face, smiled coldly, with evil intentions, her lips opened slightly, and she hurried before the door closed, and her words were all cold.

"Hmph, I thought you were a little fierce on the outside, but you are also a mother, okay, since you don't care about kissing your son's life, this time I have never been here."

Yu Hui is small, but his momentum is very good, he dropped such a sentence, and then didn't make nostalgia, turned around and left.

And Ning Youcao, who was halfway through the closing of the door, after hearing Yu Hui's words, her closing movement suddenly froze, and her eyes flashed with an astonishing light when she looked at Yu Hui eagerly.

"Wait what you just said"

Yu Hui turned a deaf ear and continued to walk her.

Ning Youcao was in a hurry, hurriedly opened the door and rushed out, three steps and two steps to catch up, and hurriedly pulled Yu Hui with a big hand, "Don't go, you make it clear what you just said"

Yu Hui noticed the movement behind her, hooked her lips and smiled, immediately turned around, looked coldly at the one that attacked, wanted to pull her rough and strong big hand, and snorted, The voice successfully stopped Ning Youcao's movements, and the big hand no longer dared to climb up.

Yu Hui said coldly, "You still have something" Ning Youcao suppressed the excitement in her heart, and looked directly at Yu Hui and asked, "

You, what did you just say, you say it again."

Yu Hui raised her eyebrows, and smiled as a scoundrel and a fool, "I didn't say anything."

"No, you said it, you said my son, you must have said it, what do you mean by the real little girl I just heard, how do you know my son's situation, can you save my son's life"

It may be that she is sick and rushes to the doctor, as a mother, in the face of her only son who is about to die, even if there is any glimmer of hope, Ning Youcao is not willing to give up, Even if the person in front of her was lying to her, she wanted to try.

And Yu Hui, isn't it the weakness of others that she grasps?

Seeing that the other party softened his attitude, as expected, Yu Hui continued to sing according to his script.

She looked Ning Youcao up and down, her face flashed with reluctance and emotion, and then she sighed and continued, "That's it, for the sake of your motherly heart, I can tell you very clearly, your son, I can cure it."

"You can treat the little girl, you haven't seen my son, you haven't seen a doctor, you haven't felt the pulse, and you don't know my son's condition, are you sure you can cure it", it's

not a joke

Yu Hui knew that she would be suspected, but she didn't fight unprepared battles.

"Hey, what you said is funny, I can understand your situation clearly, and I can find the door accurately, I can still rest assured that I don't know the inside story Ning Youcao, I also have a request for you, in exchange, I will use the treasure medicine in my hand to promise to cure your son."

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now