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Chapter 23 Chapter 23

Text: Chapter 23, Chapter 23

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

In the early morning of this day, Changfa, located on the main street of Kyoto Castle East Street, opened the gate with the ticket number, and the noise on the street immediately came.

But it's okay, this is the east of the city, or the inner city, and the people who appear here are usually rich and noble, and there are very few people in the street who call the north of the city, the south of the city, and the outer city.

As soon as the man put the unloaded door panel in order, carried a bucket of water, and carried a broom, he stepped out of the door, ready to come out and clean the door and face well, and the bucket in his hand could not be put down, and suddenly, a big carriage with red paint and tassels, Hulala, stopped at the door of his shop.

The guy was still wondering in his heart, and his heart said that this early in the morning, their ticket number only opened the door, and there were guests at this point

, right

? As a result, I thought so, in front of the carriage, two five big and three thick men jumped off the wheel, and then, the man saw that the red lacquered carved car door was opened by two majestic men left and right, one wearing a gold crown, red lips and white teeth, and a long life treasure collar with emerald green inlaid gold around his neck, wearing a silver and white Shu brocade round neck embroidered robe, looking at the eleven or twelve-year-old Gui Langjun, stepping on the thigh of a strong man kneeling on one knee, and walked down like this.

Hey, this is a distinguished guest

Seeing this, where can I take care of what to clean up and quickly lost the guy in my hand, and greeted him with a smile.

"Yo yo, the distinguished guests are full of doors, there is a loss of welcome, there is a loss of welcome, dare to ask the little boy, but I came to the trumpet to do something"

Yu Hui, who used the four magic makeup techniques to make himself into the current appearance, held a folding fan, nodded arrogantly and reservedly, deliberately hoarse in his voice, made a lofty gesture, and hummed towards the eager guy like a gift, The guy was suddenly like a treasure.

I think I have a lot of vision, and I have not seen a few noble guys in Changfa, nodding and haya's attitude is becoming more and more attentive, facing Yu Hui, who is dressed as a noble boy, and repeatedly comparing the gestures of invitation, while diligently leading Yu Hui into the ticket number, while shouting loudly towards the ticket number.

"The shopkeeper, the distinguished guests are full of doors."

The voice fell, with his hands behind his back, Yu Hui, who did not recognize the steps of his six relatives, saw that three people suddenly came out of the huge door face of the ticket number, led by a middle-aged man wearing silk, his white and chubby face was stacked with enthusiastic smiles, look at that look, it must be the shopkeeper in the man's mouth.

I saw the person who came out with a smile, and gave the guy a look, and instantly occupied the position of the guy just now, took over the important task of leading, and asked Yu Hui politely while inviting Yu Hui to the ticket number.

"This little boy is dignified and extraordinary, I don't know if the boy came to the trumpet to exchange silver, or"

Yu Hui, who stepped into the ticket number gate with one foot, paused when he heard this, but he didn't look at the shopkeeper, nor did he answer, but looked at the carriage and the two strong men behind him.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now