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热门推荐:一念永恒 雪鹰领主 玄界之门 不朽凡人 我真是大明星 龙王传说 斗天武神 唐朝好地主 霸天武魂

Knock, knock, knock knock The

two sisters finished the soup they had dropped in their hands,

but the dull sound of objects falling to the ground continued to be heard in their ears.

The smile on the corner of Yu Hui's lips never fell, and the little guy in his arms was surprised to look at the bad things that fell one after another unconsciously.

The little claw grabbed Yu Hui's hand, raised his head to look at her and whispered suspiciously: "Watch"

Yu Hui still smiled slyly, reached out to take the empty bowl in the little guy's hand, and threw all the ones in his hand together, looking at the little guy's eyes were shining.

"Ruirui, how about my cousin take you to play a game next" The little guy tilted his head blankly, "Game" "

Yes, game".

At this time, Yu Hui was especially like a strange aunt who deceived children, but the deceived children were ignorant, and even nodded excitedly with some impatience, "Okay, Rui play games, play games."

"Okay, good boy", Yu Hui praised with a smile, but the movements of her hands did not stop.

She took out a white handkerchief from her cuff, in fact, from the space, waiting for the enemy to be completely poisoned, and secretly commanded the seeds to be strangled for the final killing, Yu Hui smiled and folded the white handkerchief, and then tied it to the eyes of the little guy, After tying it, Yu Hui did not forget to look left and right while telling the little guy.

"Rui Rui, the game we play is very exciting, for a better experience, my cousin won't let you take off the handkerchief, you can't take it off."

Yu Hui's words were with a small hook, and the little guy with the hook was confused, and he would only nod his head in cooperation with each other.

Seeing that the little guy was exceptionally well-behaved, Yu Hui expressed her satisfaction.

Immediately I have to cut the grass and eradicate the roots, and never leave a living knife to make up for it, the scene is estimated to be a bit bloody, the little guy is still young, don't let her see it well.

It's just that she is not at ease when she is left alone, in case there is a thief missing, she doesn't want to be pinched by someone to fall into passivity, such a mistake is enough to make it once, and if she makes it again, she will be stupid.

But if you put people in space, let's not talk about whether the little guy will be uneasy when he leaves him, and whether he will take off the blindfold, the space is his biggest secret, and she will not expose it until the last resort.

So after blindfolding the little guy, Yu Hui took out a long strip of cloth and fixed the little guy in her arms, just like the baby carrier carried by the mother in the previous life, Yu Hui protected the little guy on her chest.

Everything was ready, the dagger in Yu Hui's hand slid again, she sneered on her lips, and first walked towards the black-clothed leader who had fallen on the edge of the fire, still spitting blood in his mouth.

It is said that the villain dies from talking too much, and even if he is not a villain, he can't make such a low-level mistake.

Walked quickly to the black-clothed leader, Yu Hui didn't say a word, took advantage of his illness, asked him to die, and stabbed the black-clothed leader in the heart with a dagger.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now