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> Text Chapter 13 Chapter 13

Text Chapter 13 Chapter 13

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Da Baiya learned of Yu Hui's life experience, and his attitude towards Yu Hui was much better, although he was sympathetic and indignant, but it was not what Yu Hui said or anything, it still had to be finally verified.

Da Baiya was ready to take people to the front yard according to the original plan, and reconcile with the detained masters of the Maoguo Mansion in front of him, and by the way, check the truth of what Yu Hui said.

Yu Hui was carried by the big white tooth all the way, all the way through the garden, rockery, pavilions, corridors, Yimen, and finally was taken to the main hall of the Maoguo Mansion in the front yard.

When approaching this huge main hall, far away, Yu Hui heard a burst of hysterical panic and disagreeance, the owner

of the voice

Well, if you heard it right, it should be the old witch's favorite youngest son Du Yaozu, because of the excessive love of Jia's mother for the second son, the old princess died, and the old witch is still unwilling to divide the child, but regardless of her husband's wishes, I want to divide the big house that I have out, that is, my uncle and aunt.

The voice shouted something

bitterly "You are a mere four-grade commander, how can you be presumptuous in my Maoguo Mansion, my family's ancestral hall is enshrined in the Danshu iron coupon given by the founding emperor, what do I Du family embezzle military salaries, disaster relief funds, what connivance clan relatives run rampant in the township, fish and flesh people, enclosure and cover Dingkou, that is all framed, these trumped-up crimes Our Du family does not admit that it is just a calculation of people with a heart, and the wall is down and everyone pushes it down, I don't accept it, I want to see my brother, I want to meet Your Majesty, I want to meet Your Majesty, I want to meet Your Majesty After my Du family is a hero, we want to meet Your Majesty, I want to appeal, I want to see my brother, we want to meet His Majesty to state my grievances"

At the top of the main hall in the front yard of the Maoguo Mansion, under the plaque of the Zhongzheng Hall, the commander in charge of copying the house this time, holding a teacup in his hand, reclined on the Taishi chair that his subordinates had brought intimately.

He was tasting tea wantonly, and at first he let the pretentious Du Yaozu bark at the bottom of the dog, but the more this thing barked, the more unpleasant it became, and the louder it became, the commanding envoy couldn't help frowning, and the tea bowl cover in his hand was thrown heavily on the tea bowl, looking at Du Yaozu, who was dying and struggling, sneered.

"This official advises Du Sanye to save some effort and take it easy, you know, the long knife in the hands of these brothers under the official is not long-eyed, Du Sanye is a noble person, so noisy, if one accidentally hurts himself, don't say that he is seeing His Majesty, that is, seeing your brother, tsk", the commander shook his head playfully, "I'm afraid it's difficult."

Ah, you are a dog, aren't you just a four-grade commander, do you think I, Du Yaozu, will be afraid of you, do you know"

Seeing that her husband was talking more and more, and she didn't even understand what a person was under the eaves, Qin Qing, who was a wife, was in a hurry, and she couldn't care about coaxing the crying children around her, so she hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her husband's arm, with pleading in her eyes.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now