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pter 16 Chapter 16

Text Chapter 16 Chapter 16

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Dali Temple is not a good place, ordinary people do not like to come here, Dali Temple prisoners and cell bosses walk through the back door, it is even more inaccessible.

After Yu Hui came out of the inn, she relied on her ability to help her find it all the way here.

Looking left and right, I saw a huge plane tree on the opposite side ten steps away from the back door, and Yu Hui ran over without stopping.

Convinced that on this side of the tree, the sergeant standing guard outside the Dali Temple could not see that it was a dead end, Yu Hui pulled up the corner of the skirt and tied a knot, pushed it to the waist, climbed the crown of the tree in three or two clicks, found a suitable position, found a thick trunk and sat down.

This is followed by an equivalence.

The Guogong Mansion was surrounded and raided at the beginning of the last day, and he was busy, and he was escorted to watch a farce of the Du family, and then he was sent out of the mansion to find a place to stay, and now, the hour has slipped from the upper to the lower.

Yu Hui looked up at the sky, estimated the hour, almost the same as Shen Shi, her stomach gurgling, and Yu Hui, who was a little anxious when she was waiting, couldn't help but grunt.

"The memory of the original body is Dali Temple, Ma Fang also said that it was Dali Temple, according to the reason, it is not wrong, why don't people come"

only then muttered, saying that Cao Cao Cao will arrive.

Just when Yu Hui was muttering, far away, there was movement at the end of the road, and when he looked closely, it was not the Maoguo Mansion and the party who was there There was no maid and servant who had served, nor was it hugged before and after, the masters of the Maoguo Mansion were all lost and embarrassed and escorted by the


The first to take the lead is the old witch who is supported by her son and daughter-in-law, but she still does not forget to tighten the two grandsons beside her;

The crowd that followed behind were all the high-ranking owners of the house in the past, and they would only complain when they came one by one, crying for their fathers and mothers;

All the people are magical, all kinds of beings, look at that, want to be escorted to Dali Temple on the way, I am afraid that there are many people who are watching and humiliating, smashing stones, rotten eggs, rotten vegetable leaves or something, this group of people is afraid that they will also enjoy a good handful.

They are more than innocent, but they pity her family for not being able to enjoy the wheel, but the incident has to be followed by the unlucky aunt, uncle, and little cousin, and she didn't look at her uncle who walked behind the crowd, his head was dirty, and his hair was mixed with rotten green leaves.

Fortunately, the aunt and little cousin who were protected by their uncle, the situation of the family of three was not bad, Yu Hui Annai cared, and saw the group being escorted into the back door of Dali Temple, and went through the layers of handles to the dungeon of Dali Temple.

When the person appeared in sight, Yu Hui stood up and climbed up again, standing on tiptoe and looking, all the time guarding her aunt, they were all escorted into the dungeon, and the figure could no longer be seen, Yu Hui's hanging heart was slightly relieved, but she still had no intention of leaving, but found a place to sit down again against the trunk of the tree, Yu Hui continued to wait in silence.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now