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Text Chapter 44 Chapter 44

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Dajing Zuo is respectful, Yu Hui took her little cousin to move into the west house of the new house, and gave the east house to her aunt to live with her uncle who had not yet returned home.

They have just arrived and moved to a new house, and there is no shortage of food, drink, housing and bought, but there are really not many firewood.

Fortunately, there were more leftovers in the past two days at home, Thinking that my uncle hadn't returned anyway, Yu Hui pulled my aunt into her house that night, and only burned the kang in the West Winginghouse, and the three of them spent the night on the big kang in the West Winghouse.

"Auntie, I will go into the city to pick up my uncle early tomorrow morning, you take Rui Rui and wait at home, don't worry, I will definitely bring my uncle back."

Yu Hui dared to make such a promise because, according to the feedback of the seed, that Master Liu took the gem and did something, and he would not be disappointed tomorrow, which made Yu Hui very satisfied.

In the past few days of coming to the extreme north, Yu Guyu also deeply realized what is the cold of dripping water into ice, if he wants to go, taking his daughter is also causing trouble for his niece, plus there is a big mess at home, Yu Guyu has no pretentiousness to say that he will go with him, nodded and responded to his niece's words, and instructed her to be careful all the way, she will cook food at home and wait for them to return home, and the matter will be discussed.

Early the next morning, Yu Hui put on the plow and went to Qinghe Fort, found a shop with a face to open at the entrance of the yamen, and asked for a bowl of mutton soup, two fires and others, but she made two bowls of mutton soup and ate three fires, and Liu Wei's goods were late.

When Yu Hui saw the people, she quickly lifted the bowl, wiped her mouth, entrusted the climbing plow to the shopkeeper, and beckoned the shopkeeper to pack the mutton soup she had just added.

"Master Liu, Master Liu"

Thinking that he was about to get another gem and make a fortune, Liu Wei, was in a good mood today, and he hummed a little song when he came to the Yamen, and he didn't ride a horse and sit in a sedan chair.

Seeing Yu Hui, he raised his eyelids with fine eyelids, couldn't help but hum happily, tapped his chin and motioned for Yu Hui to follow, and the two of them entered the yamen's usual office place for Liu Wei, and took out a post from his sleeve and handed it over.

"Oh, what you want, little girl, the remaining ruby is left, take this post, you can go directly to the pioneer camp and replace it with the post."

Yu Hui looked at the post handed by the other party and was silent, "This"

Yu Hui's hesitant attitude made Liu Wei raise his eyebrows in displeasure.

"Why are you a little girl, are you still afraid that you will not be a stupid girl who has no knowledge, do you know what kind of post this is, this is my brother-in-law, who controls the entire Qinghe Fort, and the post written by the dignified General Huaihua himself, you take it, don't say that you are going to the pioneer camp to fish for people, that is, you can walk sideways in the entire Qinghe Fort" "Hehe" Yu Hui sneered,"

Lord Liu is angry, angry, the little girl is shallow, don't be like the little girl, hehehe

Besides, how can the little girl compare with you, you are the brother-in-law of the dignified four-grade general, that is, there is no post of the general, only Lord Liu, you stand outside, who dares to disobey you

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now