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Text: Chapter 19, Chapter 19

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Seeing that the vicious second sister-in-law of Chengfushen was on the field, Qin Qing on the side stopped doing it, and immediately rolled up her sleeves to participate in the competition.

"Second sister-in-law, you're not right, when is this now, the sect woman who is still the fart of the sect woman often says that the hand is fast and the hand is slow, whoever grabs the good thing is who's to share it, the second sister-in-law is afraid that she is selfish and wants to fill her own pocket and only take care of herself, I Qin Qing is not convinced, pity my Sister Yue, Sister Rong, and Brother Hao, the children's family is pitiful, unlike the second sister-in-law who only needs to take care of Sister Rong, this thing, I still hold it well, and I will definitely give Sister Rong some when the time comes, The second sister-in-law has a lot of them, so don't rob me.

Putting aside the cruel words of course, Qin Qing didn't forget to stare at the side, while protecting her daughter, Yu Guyu, who had to protect the burden, and her tone was bad, "Sister-in-law, let go quickly, let go, I told you to let go, you are deaf and didn't hear."

Seeing that in the past, they only secretly clashed with each other, but there was a harmonious and harmonious face, the human head was beaten into a dog's head, and the old witch who was protecting the two pretending to be grandchildren aroused cold eyes and glanced at them, and his eyes fell on the few granddaughters who surrounded him and tried to get his protection by selling his beyond.

The old witch pretended to be kind and spoke, "Xinlan, you are the eldest granddaughter and eldest sister in the family, and now at this juncture, it is time for you to show the courage of the eldest sister, you go, for the sake of these younger brothers and sisters, you lead the sisters to go together, and take the burden in your eldest aunt's hand and distribute it to your grandmother, so that you sisters can survive."

A handful of old bones of your own, If it weren't for the hanging breath, I would have been unable to withstand it in this deep and terrifying dungeon.

Every day I eat the rancid buns that the house used to feed the dogs are disgusted, and there is only one meal a day, only one meal, and finally someone has to go through the road to send something in, of course she has to find a way to control it in her own hands, so that she can live this old bone She will not care, who dredged this thing in, and who is it for.

The second and third daughters-in-law have a saying that is right, their family has not been separated, and their old bones are not dead, but she, the old lady in charge, must help them take the helm again.

After getting the order of the old witch, Du Xinlan, the eldest daughter of the second room, hurriedly took the order, and beckoned her sisters Du Xinya and Du Xinhe, and they rushed towards the chaotic image in front of them.

"Mother, what you said to the third aunt is not right, the ancestor is still there, the ancestor spoke, and the things are in charge of her old man, don't rob it, don't rob it."

Ning Youcao was attracted by the noise, so she turned around and saw such a chaotic picture.

When he saw that he patted his chest and promised his benefactor, and vowed to take care of the main master, he was being bullied by a group of superlatives in embarrassment at the moment, and he was about to be unable to parry, Ning Youcao was angry.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now