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apter 53 Chapter 53

Text Chapter 53 Chapter 53

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

"Rui Rui, Rui Rui, where are you going home for dinner"

When Yu Hui's shout came, the little powder ball had already taken the candy from the hand of Grandma Wolf, oh no, it was the merchant, and was putting it in the little mouth, The little guy was very happy to eat the candy, and he was completely unguarded The evil hands in front of him had already attacked his armpits.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Yu Hui's voice came, and the person who heard the movement was already very close, and the sudden shout interrupted the merchant's next move.

The merchant's outstretched hand paused, squinted his eyes and looked around, Although most of the little babies went to coax and eat the candy, there were still more than a dozen little babies who were empty-handed, and they were looking around him.

The merchant secretly weighed the pros and cons, and then discerned that the shout was almost close at hand, and the merchant decisively withdrew his hand, and hurriedly turned his head to look in the direction from which the voice came.

Yu Hui's figure immediately appeared.

"Rui Rui, Du Xinrui little girl, where are you going home for dinner"

Yu Hui looked around, shouting in her mouth, and suddenly found that something was wrong with the mouth of the tunzi in front of her, and a large number of little babies didn't know what

to do over there

And their own little dough, It was nested behind the crowd, There was a strange person in front of him, smiling like a wolf grandmother, who looked like a person with bad intentions, and

the trafficker

Yu Hui was shocked.

I'm going to go, I'm afraid that her little fan group didn't run into a living human trafficker, right an ancient human trafficker Thinking that the person who was smiling at her little fan group like a wolf grandmother might be a human trafficker, and when she thought of the tragic situation of those innocent children who were abducted and trafficked

and the poor children living at the bottom of the base that she had seen in her previous life, Yu Hui exploded.

Crazy rushed up with an arrow step, picked up his own little dough and tightly put it into his arms, ignoring his sudden movements that scared the little guy, Yu Hui hugged the person and quickly retreated to a safe distance, put on a defensive posture, and stared cautiously at the person in front of him who bent down to take away his baby eggs.

"Who are you, what do you want to do, why are you using candy here to coax children" When the merchant heard this, he was anxious, and quickly shook his head and waved his hand, "

No, no, no, girl, don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad person, I'm just a merchant who sells goods."

"Merchant", Yu Hui hugged the little pink dumpling in her arms, squinted her eyes and looked the middle-aged man in front of her up and down, she was not confused by the other party's embarrassed and misunderstood expression, and hit the nail on the head when she opened her mouth.

"Hmph, bad people don't say that they are bad people, and the merchant hehe" Yu Hui looked up at the sky, "At this point, there is still a merchant who comes to the door, so what kind of goods are you selling" This is

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now