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pter 4 Chapter 4

Text: Chapter 4, Chapter 4

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Thinking clearly, Yu Hui withdrew from her aunt's arms, and instead reached out to hold her aunt's arm affectionately.

"Auntie, my niece has been holding back some words for a long time, I want to tell you, but I'm afraid of you" "

Hey, you and my aunt and nephew, if you have anything to say, just come to your aunt, Hui'er, don't be afraid, Aunt Wan's aunt is here."

Seeing that her niece was still hesitant, Yu Guyu immediately interrupted Yu Hui's pretense and patted Yu Hui's hand to show encouragement.

Yu Hui was silent, and then opened her mouth briskly.

"Auntie, I asked you to ask for a household registration sticker, not for any other reason, but I want to get it to remind myself of my identity at all times, and remind myself of the proportions

of being a person and doing things

Auntie, I walked in front of the Hades Palace, I thought clearly, and I also knew that I was the difference before, the prince of the public mansion was noble, like the moon in the sky, I was an orphan girl and helpless, cheap as grass mustard on the ground, I was different from the prince of the world, Everything is just

wishful thinking

Auntie, my niece used to be ignorant, but from the last time, my niece was locked up in that small courtyard alone and almost lost her little life, and my niece thought it all through.

People live for a lifetime, love is a trivial matter, from now on, I want to live well, with grandma, father, and mother, I want to take care of my aunt, cherish my cousin, live well, and no longer hope that the person who does not belong to me, aunt, you believe me.

Listening to what her niece said sincerely, Yu Guyu felt greatly relieved and comforted at the same time.

This child has finally grown up and is

sensible She thinks clearly, thinks clearly, and no longer tries to climb up to people she can't reach, and hopes that in the future, she will find a poor student like her brother in the future, and save her a dowry for a few years, not afraid that this child will have a bad life in the future.

Yu Guyu comforted him, patted the back of Yu Hui's hand in his mouth, and the big stone hanging in his heart finally landed, and his whole heart was relieved.

"It's rare that my son has grown up and is sensible, let's go back to our Yuheng Courtyard, this aunt will give us Hui'er to go to the big kitchen to ask for two good dishes, and our family of four will celebrate well"

As he was talking, Yu Guyu suddenly sighed, and Yu Hui, who was startled, helped the person with a face full of concern.


Regardless of when she was in Rongxingtang before, or she dared to hurry to her yard now, with such a bad niece as Yu Hui, Yu Guyu's heart has always been tense.

At this moment, Yu Guyu was both relieved and distressed from her niece's mouth, and couldn't help but eagerly pull Yu Hui, ready to go quickly to their own yard in the big house, but because of the tight heart, she suddenly relaxed, and she was more eager to go, and her knees that she didn't care about because of her worries just now, this will be a rebellion.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now