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Text Chapter 49 Chapter 49

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

"Hey, no wonder the little doctor risked his life to save this kid, his feelings are so handsome."

"Ah, I'm Kangkang, I'm Kangkang, how handsome

" "Good, it's good-looking, it's worse than me, tsk

" "Get out, I see that you kid doesn't know how long the horse face is, and you're handsome, why didn't we see the little doctor look at you more"


Hey, How do you talk?"

"Don't make any noise, people are awake"

The pain hurts all over the body, and there is still a lot of noise in the ears, When Du Yuchen tried to open his eyes, What he saw was a piece of head melons around him, and the pair of eyes that looked at him brightly, scared him, subconsciously supported his body and wanted to retreat to dodge, But because of the injury that pulled his heart, He couldn't help but gasp.


Du Yuchen's movements, the sergeants around him were anxious, and one by one they couldn't help but reach out to help.

"Hey, don't move, kid" "Be careful, you are hurting your heart"

Du Yuchen's whole person was confused, he clearly remembered, A second ago, he was still on the battlefield before he fainted, as if he had been attacked by a sneak attack, and heard the voice of a younger brother,

and then

By the way, the first brother

Du Yuchen subconsciously looked left and right, but he couldn't see

Du Yuping's figure.

He covered his heart with one hand, while looking at the concerned sergeants in front of him, frowning suspiciously, "You are" "We" The sergeants laughed again and again, and before Du Yuchen finished asking, they answered, "

Hahaha, good boy, we are all pass defenders, it's your robe."

Du Yuchen nodded to indicate that he knew, and then asked "What about me" "

You, after you were wounded on the battlefield and passed out, it was the little divine doctor who took the lead, jumped out of the city pass, and rushed to the pass to rescue you from the corpse."

Who is the "little divine doctor" Everyone: "You ask the little divine doctor, rest assured, the reason why the little divine doctor is not guarding you is not because there are many wounded in the pass, which causes the little divine doctor to be entangled by the old man of the military doctor and does not let go, this son is

treating the wounded in the medical tent, don't worry"

Everyone Balabala, Talking nonsense, Du Yuchen is even more dumbfounded when you say a word to me.

"No, dare to ask you, who is the little divine doctor"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

At this time, Du Yuping, who was squeezed behind by the enthusiastic crowd, finally found his voice, he hurriedly squeezed in from behind the crowd, and waved his hand at Du Yuchen and said, "Big brother, the little doctor is the cousin" "

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now