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> Text Chapter 6 Chapter 6

Text: Chapter 6, Chapter 6

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"Ah, Ah Niang, Ah Niang, Hu Rui Rui caught the little Fu Knot butterfly, Hu Hu Rui Rui caught the small Fu Knot, Ah Niang, look at the kang"

As the voice came, Yu Hui saw a small pink ball panting three times in one step, running and stopping and rushing in from outside the door.

Seeing this, the three people present couldn't help but smile knowingly.

It was the green willow who was still angry just now, and he looked at Yu Hui angrily, and his face was also full of loving smiles, not to mention Yu Guyu, who was his mother.

Not only them, Yu Hui, who is in the last days, has not yet grown iron in her heart, and after seeing such a cute and cute little cub, she can't help but show an aunt smile on her face.

Ran goose

still grabbed a butterfly in his little paws, and ran vigorously when he entered the door, and he finally ran and stopped and ran into the house, but when he saw Yu Hui with a smile on his aunt's face, the dough suddenly braked and stopped his small steps, and the shouting of Gangcun in his mouth stopped abruptly, looking at Yu Hui's

little eyes full of defensiveness and caution, He even put the little hand holding the little butterfly behind his back.

Looking at Yu Hui, the dumplings are even more wolf-proof.

The attitude of the dumpling instantly made someone's aunt laugh on the spot.

"Ah, ah", the little cousin opened her mouth, and cautiously retreated with

her little hands behind her back

Seeing this, Yu Guyu took two steps forward, squatted down and looked at her daughter gently, and asked softly, "Rui Rui, why don't you say that there are little butterflies, Rui Rui will show the little butterflies to A-Niang, okay?" The little guy paused,

Tilting her little head to look at her mother-in-law who was smiling, "A-Niang Kangkang" Yu Guyu nodded, "

Yes, A-Niang will take a look at A-Niang and your cousin."

Hearing that her mother wanted to see the little butterfly she had finally caught, Du Xinrui pinched the little butterfly and raised her feet to come over, but before the little guy took two steps, the Kang Kang in her mother's mouth turned into a look with the bad watch, the pink dumpling pouted, immediately stopped the small steps, and skimmed Yu Hui aggrievedly, twisted her head, and raised her neck, "Don't, don't show Kang".

Yu Guyu, these two little enemies

, I don't know what's going on, my niece is the same as wolf, the two of them will do it when they meet, the big one will not let the small one, the small one will not accept the big one, and they will pinch it when they meet, and they will grab everything, alas

, how to take them is good in her selfish heart, she only thinks that these two sisters are the closest people in the world in terms of blood and blood, They should get along with each other affectionately, after all, they are two blood relatives.

No, you can't let these two little ones pinch when they see each other, you have to let them get along well, thinking of this heart-to-heart relationship with her niece, seeing that her niece is a lot more sensible, Yu Guyu has the heart to let the sisters get closer.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now