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Text Chapter 61 Chapter 61

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

"What do you think", Yu Hui, who was eating sashimi, raised her head and raised her eyebrows.

"I warn you, Du Yuchen, you must not mess around, we are already very good at the moment, you must not be stupid to run to make a fire and grill fish, in case you attract chasing soldiers, it will be troublesome, and you have to continue to rush tomorrow morning, you don't have to be busy, hurry up, you also eat, eat well and rest."

After Yu Hui's words, Du Yuchen's face, who was nervous and concerned, instantly exploded, that smile, how to make the little guy who was biting the sashimi and nagging feel that it was an eyesore.

What a fat thing, her big pot pot has been swollen recently, why is it spicy and pinched

Something is wrong

And how can the big pot know to ask my cousin, I don't know if I can ask

myself if it's good

Obviously, this guy called sashimi is unpalatable to death, but they don't know how to comfort and comfort themselves, She is still a baby, it is simply hateful, especially the big pot

pot The little guy

who was retched by the smell of fish, while vomiting, stared at Du Yuchen with eyes full of resentment, constantly firing the gaze of death.

Du Yuchen noticed the chill behind him, and when he looked sideways, it was his little cousin who was staring at him with a small expression of grievance.

Du Yuchen was dumbfounded, and said in his heart that he didn't do anything bad, and Hui'er didn't forget to give her the food he ate, why is the little guy with this little expression

But with the experience of the previous time, how smart Du Yuchen was, he quickly held the fish fillet at hand in front of the little guy, and stuffed her little claws into the paws again and again, and said thoughtfully while stuffing them, "Okay, okay, Rui'er is good, There are a lot of sashimi, I won't forget you, these are all for you, all for you"

Du Xinrui was stunned.

Stuff cauldron pot you are not four devils you are sure this is not revenge on her


Looking at the sashimi in front of him, the corners of the little guy's eyes were full of tears, and he threw himself into the arms of his cousin beside him aggrievedly, and angrily raised his hand and pointed at Du Yuchen, who was still inexplicable behind him.

"Table, big pot villain, let's ignore him."

cousin and outsiders, Yu Hui decisively chose her cousin.

Yu Hui couldn't help but smile, and hugged the little guy in her arms very cooperatively, "Okay, your eldest brother is bad, we are on our side, ignore him"

Du Xinrui got the answer she wanted, she was instantly satisfied, her little mouth hummed, and she looked back at someone behind her who was already dumbfounded, her eyes were full of provocation, and the little eyes were not just saying.

Fight with me, you are still a little


in the cauldron Du Yuchen

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now