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Text: Chapter 74, Chapter 74

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Pao Ze hurried to the school to inform himself that his mother was looking for him, and when he was waiting for him outside the gate at the moment, Wang Yu was training with the robes in the school field.

Hearing that Pao Ze said that his mother was in a hurry to find herself, Wang Yu didn't dare to delay at all, and hurried to the gate after asking for leave from the captain.

Along the way, Wang Yu was anxious, and he was running with a deep foot and a shallow foot, thinking crankily all the way.

He thought that there was something big in the family, so his mother hurriedly came to look for him, but when he saw someone, he was pulled by his mother to a secluded place outside the gate, and listened to his mother's love with joy, Wang Yu was dumbfounded.

What is the mother she thinks about it, she can't bear to suffer from lovesickness and decides to fulfill herself

What is it better to pick up the days than to hit the days, and tell herself

to immediately ask for leave and go out of the camp to follow her to the door to propose No

, he doesn't want him to have that face

Wang Yu was ashamed in her heart, and her speech became slumpy.

"Mother, didn't you say that you couldn't implicate people at the beginning, and your son has figured it out for so long, Mother, what you said is right, just like me, a person with an unknown future and a deep hatred in the sea of blood is not worthy of dragging down a good girl, not worthy of talking about the future mother, you can rest assured, these sons understand that before the revenge, the son will never talk about the love of children."

Wang Yu's face was hard, and his words were sonorous, although when he thought of that person, his heart was still trembling slightly, and when he said he didn't want to, his heart was still dull and painful, but what his mother had said was right, and he had to listen to it as a good son.

Facing her son who walked into a dead end and did not open her mind, Mrs. Wang was also tired.

She didn't agree before, because no matter how good the little girl was, she was not worthy of her son;

Now I agree, that's because this girl can toss, if she is really as rumored, she can toss Laiqincha, and really get the holy forgiveness, then they become relatives, this great gift is their royal family, even with the blood of their royal family, the future of all their royal family will be all there, and this stupid son will also take a lot of detours, no worse than marrying the daughter of an official family of a family;

Why doesn't he understand the hard work of being a mother Who is she doing this for Now

in order to make her stupid son bow her head, she has to bow her head first.

"Son, I used to be short-sighted for my mother, and I felt that you were still young and not suitable for talking about children's love, so I deliberately said heavy words, in fact, my mother's heart is also looking forward to your good. Now that you have grown up, you have been promoted, and you have become a scrivener in the army, seeing that you have a future, and you have the confidence to support your family, you are relieved of your mother, and you think" "

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now