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Text: Chapter 3, Chapter 3

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Yu Hui helped her aunt and hurriedly walked out of Rongxing Hall, and the aunt and nephew led the maid and green willow to quickly move away from this cannibalistic place, all the way to the east of the Maoguo Mansion.

His uncle is the eldest son of the Maoguo Mansion, and he is three years old in his Chinese New Year's Eve, eight years older than his aunt, who will be twenty-five this year.

Compared with the brothers in the backyard of the Maoguo Mansion, her uncle couldn't live to see the sun in the world at all, because of the idea of the former old prince of the country to follow the bloodline, her uncle, who came to the world before the old witch Zhou Huanting entered the door, finally stumbled and survived to this day.

It's just that my uncle's life is a little harder, and his fiancée and wife who have died are a little more, and the amount of palms that are almost full is a little scary, in general, it's good.

Of course, this is the most fundamental reason why my aunt, a girl from a poor family, was able to marry into the dignified Maoguo Mansion, because my uncle was a widower with a wife, and because my aunt's birthday was good, and because this was a marriage decided by the old man.

Don't talk about this, let's talk about Yu Hui, help my aunt all the way to the secluded east, on the way, Yu Hui was puzzled.

"Auntie, why did you think that you were going to Rongxing Hall today and kneeling in the courtyard that old witch"

Speaking of this, the maid Green Willow, who was waiting on the other side of Yu Guyu, angrily felt sorry for the master.

As a first-class maid in front of Dafang's grandmother, she is different from other maids in the house, she is very good for Yu Guyu, worried about her, and is a loyal and good girl.

Also because of loyalty, Lu Liu thought that the grievances suffered by his grandmother before were all because of the cousin girl in front of him, and his attitude towards Yu Hui was not good, and his tone was a little impulsive.

"Miss Cousin is embarrassed to ask, if it weren't for Miss Cousin, why would the eldest grandmother" "Green Willow" "Aunt"

Yu Guyu knew that Green Willow was loyal, so in his own Yuheng Courtyard, he trusted her, I love to take her with me when I go out.

I never thought that this girl was too loyal, and she actually annoyed her niece for herself, and dared to murder her niece in front of herself, which is unacceptable.

For the sake of this girl's loyalty, Yu Guyu did not reprimand her hard, but she also lowered her face and scolded Lu Liu, "Lu Liu, you step back"

After scolding Lu Liu, she stared at the impulsive girl who reluctantly took five steps back, Yu Guyu hurriedly looked at her niece who had just raised a question at the same time as herself.

She hurriedly comforted the child, "Hui'er, don't listen to Green Willow, that's not the case." That's

not the case, what's going on

As soon as

Yu Hui got this body and accepted the memory of this body, she knew that in this world, the aunt in front of her was the best and unconditionally good to her.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now