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r 89 Launching the All-Out Battle of Perseverance One Arrow...

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Outside the city were the tall dog enemy forces that were constantly converging towards the four gates.

Drums beat in the city.

Knock, knock, knock, knock


assembled war drums are constantly beating in the city, On the city tower, Yu Hui and Du Yuchen looked down, outside was a dense army of tall dogs, and inside were tens of thousands of soldiers and people up and down Qinghe Fort.

One by one, regardless of whether they were soldiers or not, whether they were old or young, they all walked out of their homes and came to the square of the outer urn city, and they all looked up at the city gate, the handsome, young, straight figure.

The figures were crowded, the hearts of the people were panicked, and even the wind blowing from outside the city seemed to carry a trace of solemnity at this moment.

"Fathers and fellow villagers, fellow soldiers, Du Yuchen, the vanguard army, was ordered to be in front of the battle today, and swore here, swear to protect my Qinghe, and swear to protect the people in my city.

However, the strength of the next person is meager, and I ask the soldiers and elders present to help me.

Fellow villagers, comrades, outside the city is now an army of tall dogs gathered, inside the city are my little relatives, our roots, here behind us, are our parents, wives and children, brothers

who swear to defend If the city is broken, the home is not there, the relatives do not exist, the soldiers, the old folks, if you want to protect the city and protect the family, if you want to protect your relatives, if you want to live, you can only fight to the death

Yes, all of them know that the high dog is ferocious, if the city is broken, the high dog will slaughter the city, they want to live, only unite as one, bloody battle to the end.

They all understood in their hearts, and because they understood, all the soldiers on the city tower and under the city tower all knocked on the long wooden warehouse in their hands at this moment, and let out a bloody roar from their mouths, "Defend the family and defend the country, fight to the death, fight to the end"

The uniform heroism, the sonorous rhythm of the beat spear handle hitting the ground, the blood of the people in the whole city was surging.

"Damn, the head is no bigger than a scar on the ground, death is death, eighteen years later, Lao Tzu is a good man, isn't he a high dog, Lao Tzu is not afraid of him, fuck him" The emaciated man in the crowd was affected by the anger at the scene, inspired by the blood in his heart, he dropped the basket in his hand and stepped forward and shouted towards the city tower, "

I, the fifth king of Qinghe Jiazi Street, ask to fight." With

a sound, it was like a switch, like a raindrop hitting the surface of the water, stirring up countless droplets in the water to respond.

"For the sake of the old lady and Lao Tzu, I, Zhao Xiaohuzi of Qinghe Jiazi Street, ask to leave the station" "Damn, I did it too, kill his mother's Gao Gouzi to protect his family and defend the country, Wu Laoqi, Qinghe Jiazi Street, ask to fight" "

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