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apter 66 Chapter 66

Text Chapter 66 Chapter 66

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

In the dark night, the warehouse compound located in the tunzi is different from the tightly guarded military tun outside, it is silent here, and in the second half of the night, except for the occasional movement of the vanguard army patrol outside the compound, the courtyard is even quieter.

It was about the end of the ugly hour, when the night was when people were sleeping, and suddenly, in the silent barn compound, there was movement under one of the jars in a row of peaceful jars.

The stone slab on one side of the huge jar was violently pushed away from the inside, and the cheerful gnats that had chirped in the night were immediately startled.

The poor grasshopper, when he turned around, was about to see what had disturbed his territory, when he saw a monster

poking out from the side of the tank.

In order to hide his identity in case he was discovered, Qin Baosheng took out his burlap bag containing soybean grain before acting, took the scissors and made two holes in the pocket, and put one on his head, This time the child suddenly came out of the secret passage, Isn't

it a monster

Qin Baosheng first cautiously looked around with his probe, to make sure that this warehouse compound is safe, He crept out of the secret passage.

From time to time, patrols would pass outside the barn walls, and he stepped up his time to make sure everything went well.

Qin Baosheng is very familiar with his own territory, and it can be said that even if he closes his eyes, he can clearly distinguish everything here.

It was impossible to shut up a barn that already contained several warehouses of grain, and the two unfortunate ones were either locked up in an empty barn, or in a small room next to the barn where they kept their miscellaneous items.

After thinking for a moment, Qin Baosheng did not hesitate, and took the lead in touching the darkness towards the small utility room.

Sure enough, his guess was right, he walked to the door of the utility room, and through the wooden lattice window of the utility room, Qin Baosheng saw at a glance the two hateful guys inside who looked like dead dogs, wearing hoods on their heads, and their hands were tied behind their backs.

At this moment, there is still a lock hanging on the door of the utility room, which seems to be a lock that is easily removed from the warehouse on the side.

In Hetian Juntun, he Qin Baosheng is the heaven here, and he has the keys to all the warehouses, but unfortunately he can't use them at the moment, after all, once the lock is unlocked and released, isn't this evidence of the obvious.

But fortunately, hmph, it's just a lock, and he has a way.

Reaching out and touching the lock that was tight, Qin Baosheng decisively skipped the lock with his big hand and touched the hinge of the padlock.

The corners of his lips under the broken pocket were hooked, Qin Baosheng's hands kept moving, and he didn't know where he was groping, the hinges that were still tightly fitting just now, the end inlaid on the door frame was magically loose, allowing Qin Baosheng to open the door easily.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now