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Text Chapter 52 Chapter 52

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Kawada Juntun in autumn, the home of Qin Tun Chief.

Qin Tunchang'er, who was playing outside for a day, saw the meal, so he staggered home, and as soon as he entered the door, he smelled the smell of meat, and the child rushed to the house with a scream.

"Mother, mother, is our family roasting meat today, I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat"

As the most favored child in the family, At home, I also want the star father and mother not to bring the moon, the old man of the Qin family rushed into the house with a scream, and jumped on the kang while screaming.

Seeing the dishes on the kang table, the child's eyes lit up suddenly, completely ignoring the black-faced father sitting opposite the kang table, the swarthy little paws stretched out suddenly, and the dirty hands were about to grab into the clay bowl containing the meat.

Qin Baosheng, who was angry at this time, slapped the chopsticks in his hand on the spot, and twisted his eyebrows, "What are you doing, the hair is frizzy, you Lao Tzu and I haven't moved the chopsticks yet, what kind of hand are you stretching out, and there are no rules"

Qin Baosheng, the head of the house, was angry, and the old man of the Qin family who stretched out his hand immediately stiffened, sucked the yellow snot under his nose, deflated his mouth, and was about to howl immediately.

Seeing that things were not good, the daughter-in-law of the chief of Tun, who came into the house with a plate of vegetables from the outhouse, quickly put down the vegetable plate in her hand, dragged down the deflated mouth on the kang, gently patted her son's buttocks, and secretly winked at her son and urged.

"Go, don't you see that your father is upset, hurry up, go and call your second brother and third brother's house to eat."

"But mother, meat" "

Oh, okay, okay, you go quickly, come back and keep your meat to eat."

After getting the assurance of his mother, and then looking at the black face of his father on the kang, the old man of the Qin family pulled his sleeves and purred his nose, and slammed the door with a chirp.

Seeing her son gone, the daughter-in-law of the chief sat down beside her husband with a courteous smile, intimately picked up a pair of chopsticks on the table, and sandwiched a large piece of white fat slices into the bowl in front of her man.

"You eat meat at home, don't be like our old son, the old son is really crying when I look back, don't you feel distressed"

Qin Baosheng was served diligently by his mother-in-law, and then thought of his angry old son, the unhappiness in his heart relaxed a little, but he raised his hand to pick up the chopsticks he had just patted, picked up the meat in the bowl and was about to send it to his mouth.

As a result, he only opened his mouth, thinking of certain things, Qin Baosheng was upset, he threw the meat back into the bowl, and with a slap of chopsticks, Qin Baosheng looked at the mother-in-law beside him with a serious face.

"Baby, let me ask you, that day the Du family harvested rice, but you went to see them in person, and watched them harvest, threshing, and weighing, during which there was no fraud at all, and the yield was really higher than that produced in the south."

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now