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热门推荐:一念永恒 雪鹰领主 玄界之门 不朽凡人 我真是大明星 龙王传说 斗天武神 唐朝好地主 霸天武魂

Du Yuchen is good at arithmetic, estimated his ability, calculated the flow rate of the Nether River, and decisively chose to sneak into the water in the upstream where Yu Hui and them had just landed.

Afraid that there was an enemy ambush here, Du Yuchen, who was alone, cautiously sneaked ashore, and he didn't care about his clothes, and he was even reluctant to dry them with internal force, After all, there was a tough battle to be fought next, Du Yuchen took off his coat and twisted the water jacket to take action.

He sneaked to find the place where Yu Hui had gone ashore before and took a closer look, and found fresh horse manure and freshly broken branches and grass along the way, Du Yuchen checked carefully, did not let go of any clues on the ground, and finally chose a direction, and tracked it up after leaving his own code in a hidden place.

And in a field outside the two hills, next to the blazing bonfire, Yu Hui was being guarded by the three layers of the man in black, especially the leader in black, after watching Yu Guyu being sent away by Yu Hui under his nose, the attitude of the leader in black was very bad, angry, and his eyes were fierce.

Yu Hui was not afraid at all, sent away her aunt, and her heart was half at ease, and then as long as she found the little dough, she could

do it Yu Hui did not delay, let alone look at the anger of this group of spicy chickens, In order to get the way to grow rice in the extreme north and increase grain production, these guys don't dare to do it with themselves at the moment, so what is she hesitating about

Yu Hui met the irritable eyes of the black-clothed leader, and made another request in a bold manner.

"I want to see my cousin, immediately, immediately"

The men in black were surprised, and the leaders in black laughed angrily at Yu Hui.

"Miss Yu, you Dajing have a saying called whimsical, I don't think Miss Yu doesn't know how to write this word, what does it mean"

Damn, this is making fun of myself for not studying

Well, it's not a shame if you haven't studied, anyway, you have thick skin, and you won't stop until you reach your goal.

Yu Hui raised her neck, "Whimsical, what is delicious, where do you have to sell for how much is a catty"

She looked like a fearless scoundrel, and successfully angered the black-clothed leader, so that the anger that this guy had been holding back in the boundary river exploded in an instant.

Someone gritted his teeth, "Hmph, Miss Yu, don't you have to pretend to be stupid with me, I don't care if you know or don't know, in short, with the previous encounter with the Boundary River, Miss Yu, your credibility with me is zero." We will never let you see the person you want to see again until you arrive at our royal court, and I advise Miss Yu not to be delusional. Hey

, the attitude is quite resolute

"Hey, don't be like this, how can it be called wishful thinking, otherwise we will discuss it again" "Impossible, there is no need to discuss


The other party's tough and angry attitude, Let Yu Hui touch the ashes of her nose, but what kind of person is she, can she give up easily after a setback Don't

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now