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Text 79. Chapter 79 Chin sent to five Wine is not fragrant bed is not...

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Welcoming the little prince back to his home, the entire general's mansion moved, and Yang Zhaoxian wanted to serve this little ancestor as much as possible for his own Qingyun Road.

the burning knives of the finest sorghum grown in the far north;

the finest tea purchased by himself from the merchants;

Fine-scaled fish caught in the cold-water rivers of the far north;

venison bear's paws that are freshly caught, killed, and freshly made in the deep mountains and old forests;

The mountain catchers treasure the best old ginseng that they robbed themselves;

The most beautiful and softest maids and dancing girls in their own mansions;

Wait, wait, etc


It can be said that in order to climb this little ancestor and fight for a good future, Yang Zhaoxian showed 120,000 points of sincerity.

In the main hall of the front hall of the General's Mansion, the little ancestor sat on the main seat, and the officials such as the wine lord and Xu Yang sat down with him, and Yang Zhaoxian personally accompanied the last seat to serve.

There are singing and dancing in the hall, and there are delicious food and wine on the table.

"The little prince is coming, the cold house is shining, and the end will be overjoyed, only to salute the prince with thin wine, I wish the great Jingguo and the people peace, and I wish the prince a thousand years of happiness and longevity."

The little boy at the table was accustomed to seeing the big scene, flicked his sleeves, picked up the wine glass and smiled freely.

"Hahaha, General Yang said well, come on, come on, Zhu Qing will drink this cup with Xiao Wang." , The voice fell, and the idle king raised his head and drank like his father.

As a result, "Poof, what is this gagmy vomiting


On the last seat, Yang Zhaoxian, who was making perfect wine, was shocked when he heard the sound, and he was sincerely frightened in his heart, and said that the guards of his mansion were impenetrable, and that's it, Isn't there still someone who framed him and took the opportunity to poison the little prince

In a panic in his heart, Yang Zhaoxian hurriedly pushed away the dancing girl who was trying to dance in the hall, and quickly rushed to the little ancestor to kneel, and nodded his forehead to the ground.

"The prince forgives the sin, the prince forgives the sin, the last general will be loyal to the world and the world can be learned, and he will never dare to poison" The little prince who vomited again and again was stunned, and looked at the guy who was kowtowing inexplicably, "Eh, who said you were poisoned" Yang Zhaoxian was dumbfounded, "

Then you just now".

Xiao Wangye's face was straight, "General Yang, Xiao Wang didn't say that you were poisoned, but you are drinking" "

What's wrong with the wine", Yang Zhao first looked at the unfinished wine glass on the table.

This is their favorite, it is the burning knife burned by the high-grade sorghum grown in the far north, it is very strong, and it is a fine wine

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now