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hapter 64 Chapter 64

Text Chapter 64 Chapter 64

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Since the attack was carried out by the high dog enemy and the arrest of people, the air pressure in the Kawada military cantonment was a little low, and a thick and depressing atmosphere was floating in the sky over the entire tunzi, and white flags were also hung at the doors of many people's homes, indicating that someone in this family had unfortunately died in the previous battle.

In order to bury the deceased in peace, the military tun was busy for several days, except for those who were seriously injured and lying on the kang and couldn't move, the others even came forward to help.

After the dead were buried in the ground, the military tun, which was full of depression and sadness, was quiet in an instant, except for those who had lost their loved ones, there would always be low sobs from time to time, Everything else seemed so quiet, until Yu Guyu was escorted back by the wild boy, drunk and other soldiers, and the juntun exploded.

Some people are happy and some are sad, some people are happy about Yu Guyu's return, and naturally some people vent their anger and resentment on her, for example, there is a woman who has lost her backbone, after seeing Yu Guyu come back intact, she went crazy, and completely lost her mind like a shrew.

"Disaster star, your Du family is a disaster star, you didn't come before, our Hetian military tun is fine, there has never been such a tragedy, since you came, how long has it been for you to see, ah you see for yourself, How many people have died in our tun, your whole family is a disaster star, don't think I don't know, those people in black are coming for your family"

Otherwise, how to explain, Those bad guys only kidnapped the people of their Du family, and did not move the others

Only the poor man of the family, people sit at home, and disaster comes from the

sky, thinking of their own dead man, the woman who pounced on Yu Gu after the rain looked very crazy.

"If it weren't for your Du family's trouble, where would we be so miserable in the tun, your family would be a scourge, if it weren't for you, how could my man die, how could he die, you all blame you, your Du family's group of calamities killed my man, it was you who killed him, I became a widow, and I lost my father and daughter, so that our family can live in the future, the slut of the Du family, you actually came back well, Why don't you die or die, ah, I fought with you, I fought with you" "Are you crazy, what are you going to do" "What are you doing hahaha"

Then do you still want to ask "I naturally want to let the culprit who caused this disaster pay with blood"

The woman was indignant.

The centurion who was in charge of escorting Yu Guyu back, with some sympathy and some disgust, pushed away the woman in front of him who did not distinguish between right and wrong.

"You mother-in-law, there is no reason for this to say a good life, blood debts and blood repayment, you don't go to the damned high dog who killed the door to take revenge, don't go to the traitor who deliberately attracted the high dog to rob the little god doctor, but you hold a grudge against the innocent people who are also unlucky enough to be remembered by the high dog, which is the truth"

Which truth

Yes, what kind of truth

is this

But she is a weak woman, she can't beat the high dog, and she can't find the traitor hidden behind her, what can she do She has lost her man and lost the pillar

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now