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ext: Chapter 37, Chapter 37

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Yu Hui said seriously, how could Du Yuchen have it, obviously after the bombardment and bombing, and then carefully observed the expression and demeanor of the person in front of him, and even did not hesitate to reach out and grab the person's wrist again, Check his physical condition, and realize that the despair and death in the person in front of him have been removed, Yu Hui breathed a sigh of relief At the same time, she felt a little bad in her heart.

But what is wrong with it, she can't say anything at the moment.

If I had to say it, it was that a woman's natural sixth sense was telling herself that something was wrong, that is, this was wrong, which made Yu Hui reluctant to stay any longer.

When she checked her body just now, she found that this thing actually had no desire to survive, and she was tired, hungry and thirsty, which is why she fainted just now.

The strong desire to survive bursting out of this thing's eyes right now, plus he repaired half of his body, and then has his own martial arts foundation, this thing will not die


But before leaving, Yu Hui still unloaded the back basket behind him, pretending to dig out things, in fact, he put those who were in the space for his family to eat, At this moment, the black buns that have been rancid took out a handful and stuffed their foreheads, The other party was still wearing shackles, and he didn't pick it up.

Yu Hui thought about it, and immediately rudely stuffed one into his mouth, and the remaining ones, she stuffed them into the placket of the other party's chest.

Such a reckless action first choked Du Yuchen, and then felt Yu Hui's movements, and Du Yuchen's dirty face quickly overflowed with a touch of crimson.

But Yu Hui didn't wait for this thing to finish uncomfortably, she didn't look at it, she stuffed the bun and dropped the sentence You are so good, patted her butt and turned around and left.

But before she could take two steps, a voice of shame and urgency came from behind her.

"You wait."

Yu Hui subconsciously stopped and turned around, "What" "

That, thank you."

Looking at the person who looked back, Du Yuchen spit out such a sentence awkwardly, thank you sincerely, I just don't know if this thank you is for yourself to save his life or the food he just gave or maybe it was his own chicken blood

just now

But it doesn't matter, Yu Huihun waved his hand indifferently, "Okay, no thanks, I'll save you, It should be regarded as repaying my aunt and uncle for the love of being taken care of by you in the house all these years, and we don't owe each other.

Yu Hui said very chicly, but only she knew that it was impossible for her to tell this guy the truth, so as not to be blackmailed by this in the future, wouldn't she be very passive

Yu Hui's performance made Du Yuchen misunderstood.

Du Yuchen looked at Yu Hui, thinking of her original body's past performance, and then thinking of this way, the person in front of him disliked him, but in fact, he never gave up, Du Yuchen couldn't help but squint and fall into contemplation, his eyes flashed with curiosity.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now