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hapter 71 Chapter 71

Text: Chapter 71, Chapter 71

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Qinghe Fort General's Mansion.

Liu Wei, who returned in a hurry, rushed to the general's mansion in one go, picked up the tea held by the maid and ate two bites, and there was a rush of footsteps behind him.

Before he could turn back, familiarity and eagerness filled his ears.

"How is the matter done, the little girl won't have given the things to the kid surnamed Xiao, right?" Liu Wei hurriedly swallowed the tea in his mouth when he heard this, hurriedly stuffed the tea bowl in his hand to the maid,

and quickly replied with a wipe of his mouth.

"Brother-in-law, don't worry about my errands, that little girl is timid, she was scared to death when I went, I was honest, I promised to respectfully offer things to my brother-in-law, I didn't go to the vanguard army to find the hairy boy surnamed Xiao, brother-in-law just put one hundred and twenty hearts and waited.

Besides, the kid surnamed Xiao is young, and he has only been in our extreme north for a few years, that is, as you said, brother-in-law, how can there be someone in his court who can't suppress the head snake of the ground, brother-in-law, what are you afraid of him doing?"

"Stupid, what do you know, your brother-in-law and I are at best a fourth-grade general, and I still can't reach the border city general in the center of power, but what about that stinky boy, he can't do it now, There is no foundation in us, but that kid's uncle is a second-grade member of Kyoto City, second-grade

Otherwise, do you think that with that kid's attitude towards Lao Tzu on weekdays, how can Lao Tzu allow him to send troops privately this time, how can Lao Tzu not deal with him harshly afterwards, just simply punish his subordinates to set an example

Hmph, you idiot, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand.

"Sister, brother-in-law, it's really fake me, why have I never heard of it"

Liu Wei was anxious, and tried his best to recall the past in his mind, whether he had offended the stinky boy surnamed Xiao.

After all, he is just a border official who doesn't even have a grade, a low-level official who only relies on his brother-in-law's relationship to make a living, and people are leaning against the mountains behind him, and it is not as simple as pinching an ant to death when the time comes, he doesn't think that the cheap brother-in-law in front of him will protect himself.

Liu Wei was scared just thinking about it, and couldn't help shaking his body.

General Yang couldn't help but roll his eyes secretly when he saw this cheap brother-in-law's unpromising appearance.

I said in my heart that you are a useless thing I still want to hear

of As for himself, if it weren't

for the fact that the spy he sent out to check the news of the kid surnamed Xiao turned back recently, he was afraid that he would not know the details

of the other party

at the moment For this younger brother who loves concubines, he is ten thousand things that he can't look down on, but there is no way, who calls themselves a mystery that the little girl can't let go.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now