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r 88 Dare to Ask Where the Road Is <> The Road Is In...

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

When he led the crowd to sneak to the Kawada Juntun, it was already dawn.

Under the lack of people and horses, and the terrain of Qinghe Fort is empty, unlike the back of Hetian, Du Yuchen immediately made a decision, and let the people behind him enter the Hetian military cantonment that had been investigated and safed for a while, and he himself was ready to lead five hundred horsemen to Qinghe Fort to check the situation.

Knowing this, I don't know why Yu Hui was a little inexplicably uneasy, it can be regarded as her sixth sense, she grabbed Du Yuchen and said that she would also follow.

Du Yuchen was strongly opposed, but seeing Yu Hui's stubborn and determined eyes, he even did not hesitate to put forward the excuse that if Qinghe had changed Captain Xiao, they also needed a doctor, so Du Yuchen had no choice but to agree to Yu Hui's peer request.

Considering Yu Hui's words, as well as the crisis of Qinghe Fort when he left before, Du Yuchen thought about it, and gathered an additional 500 young and strong Yu troops, such as wild boys and other strong fighters, to go together to prepare for completeness, and the remaining more than 1,000 young and strong Yu troops were left behind to guard the military camp and take care of the safety of the idle king and the old and weak women and children.

In the darkness of the night, they sneaked all the way quickly, and when they reached Qinghe Fort, the sky was getting brighter, and from a long distance, they heard the battle ahead.

"Sons, it is the last person to fight, and my good man will not retreat to kill even half a step" "Kill"

Ding Ding Ding, when the current Jin Ge Iron Horse, Fight and shake the sky, it can be said that at the critical juncture, Du Yuchen and they came at the right time.

It turned out that not long after they left a few days ago, Xiao Yuan and other lieutenants arrived at Qinghe Fort in four ways, at that time, the high dog had not yet arrived, and the city was peaceful, Xiao Yuan entered the city to contact Yang Zhaoxian's subordinates who were defending the city, but what they got was the other party's scornful disdain, and what they were ashamed to say that Qinghe Fort would not let Xiao Yuan and them enter if they were lost.

Xiao Yuanjian's persuasion was fruitless, and the other party's level was higher than his own, and the current situation was not good for him, so he could only go out of the city to make peace with his subordinates.

As a result, what made Xiao Yuan and them extremely angry and never had time to think was that they had just left the city, and the gate of Qinghe Fort was closed, and no matter how Xiao Yuan shouted, they couldn't enter an inch.

There is no road in front of him, there are enemy troops behind, he can't advance, he can't bear to retreat, he can't go down, Xiao Yuan and other lieutenants have to lead the troops to evacuate, and they don't dare to go far, preparing to lurk in the mountains and fields outside the gate of the Sifang City in order to preserve their strength.

However, to everyone's surprise, Xiao Yuan and the others had just left the mountain, and the army of high dogs immediately killed, and the city was suddenly in chaos.

Looking at the dense enemy troops outside the city, their city defense was empty, and the general defending the city was naturally afraid, otherwise, he had already let Xiao Yuan's party into the city just now, wasn't he afraid that the other party would know that their city air defense was weak and take the opportunity to seize power.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now