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Chapter 84 The Wind Rises, Shocking Changes A Bad News...

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

The unique cloud-piercing arrow of the vanguard army exploded in the sky, The smoke did not disperse for a long time, and Xiao Yi, who released the news and agreed to meet with the idle king, could not wait for a long time for the idle king to be worried and anxious, and suddenly saw the familiar explosion in the sky, Xiao Yi's heart sank suddenly, and looked in the direction of the smoke.

When Yu Hui and Du Yuchen were back to back, the two of them were like killing gods, and when the black-clothed man who killed was a little surprised and caught off guard, Xiao Yi led the troops to arrive in time.

Seeing this, the man in black only felt that something was wrong, and he was cold and resolute, regardless of the fact that he stepped forward again, he naturally panicked and scared, and then he didn't care about the idle king and subconsciously ran away, The scene suddenly became a mess, and it was no longer a stable situation just now.

It's a pity that in order to see the idle king, Xiao Yi brought thousands of people immediately, and they were all good at the vanguard army, and a hundred black clothes were not a problem at all.

Xiao Yi personally led the troops into a siege, these running and fleeing black-clothed saw that the general trend had gone, The fish died and the net could not be broken, but they wanted to kneel and beg for mercy, but unfortunately, the cold guy was not happy, Can't you kill the enemy, can't you kill the traitors


you This group of guys didn't say a word, they were cruel one by one, and after sparing the lives of their companions, they knew that they were not low, and they committed suicide by taking poison one after another. didn't leave any room for himself at all, and when Xiao Yi and the others were killed, what was waiting for them was a corpse in one place.

Xiao Yi was disappointed that he didn't have a mouthful, but he didn't give Xiao Yi time to be disappointed when he protected the horse who was away from the battlefield.

Confirm that it is safe, and the horse who has completed the mission immediately pushed the idle king who had not dried the tears on his face in his arms to Yu Hui, and Yu Hui, who was tired of killing and killing, has big white teeth, I thank you for your trust Oh I shouted with all my might, and ran into the tragic battlefield "My lord, my lord, where are you answering me, brothers, brothers, are there any alive, squeak, squeak".

Eleven of them returned one by one, Ma Fang couldn't accept this reality at all, these fallen were all his comrades

in the robe Ma Fang, who

didn't believe in this fact, was crazy and pulled in a sea of black corpses, Yu Hui and the others were sad to see this scene, and the idle king broke free of Yu Hui's hand, and also rushed up to be the same as Ma Fang, with a crying little face, and kept shouting and turning.

"Cold face, cold face, where are you cold face, you come out, you squeak, you come out, as long as you live, Xiao Wang, Hiccup Xiao Wang promises, I won't bully you in the future, don't shout, Hiccup doesn't call you cold face, cold face"

The soldiers who watched this scene were sad and moved, and without anyone to order, everyone couldn't help but join the rummaging team.

With the unremitting efforts of Ma Fang and the little ancestor, the emperor lived up to his wishes, and finally, this big and small person was finally pulled out of the corpse pile.

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