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xt Chapter 24 Chapter 24

Text: Chapter 24, Chapter 24

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The army of bees behind him saw that there were still seconds to arrive, and a group of little broken children in front of him, scrambling to run fast in Ulala, where can they still take care of the little milk group

who is alone Yu Hui, who has never seen the little doll alone, suddenly stopped, ruthlessly, gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and rushed up against the wind, quickly crossed the escape legion, and at the moment when the bee army arrived, he rescued the crying milk ball in time.

Yu Hui's own body is also sad, not tall, still thin, fortunately as a supernatural person with great strength, Yu Hui picked up the tearful milk ball with one hand and ran away, the bee army refused to give up, one by one, they were never afraid of death, and they attacked her violently with their fat butts.

Yu Hui couldn't, so she could only wave and incite with her empty hands, trying to drive away the hateful bee army.

The creeper, who had been curled up on her wrist and had no sense of existence, noticed that his master was strange, and was busy like an octopus, waving tiny vines to help drive away the murderous pursuers.

It's a pity that there are so many bees that they seem to be endless.

Yu Hui stuck the child with one hand and fought and ran, but still did not dodge the spikes of these little guys, After a while, a certain person who claimed to be a tall ability had a bag all over his face, and it hurt if he didn't touch it.

"Hey, hey, what a hornet's nest these little broken children have stabbed"

"Quick, little girl, jump into the field and paste yourself with the mud"

Just when Yu Hui was irritable, an urgent reminder came from afar.

Yu Hui couldn't take care of it, she couldn't blatantly expose her abilities, so she decisively hugged the little baby in her arms and rushed into the rice field where the grain had been harvested and the fields were now ready to be raised.

Quickly pressed the crying bag in the mud field, Yu Hui first put the crying bag with tears in the corners of her eyes and snot in her nostrils and quickly wiped the mud from head to toe, and then she quickly rolled around in the mud field, grabbed a handful of mud and wiped her pig's head and face, and then quickly hugged the crying bag, and buried her head in the mud field, only carefully protecting the crying bag to leave a gap for breathing, Yu Hui was very bitter in her heart, waiting for the buzzing army above her head to fly over.

I don't know how long

it took Yu Hui first smelled a thick smoke, and then there was a shout of concern from the side of her ears, mixed with the howling of the little broken children who were beaten by their respective old sons and mothers after they were saved; mixed with the reminder that she was shouted to jump into the field just now, but now she was shouting that she could get up; Yu Zhutouhui, who picked up the clay figure next to him and cried for the rest of his life, got up, and walked up to the ridge with grinning teeth.

It turned out that the adults in the village had discovered the amazing behavior of the little broken children, and they rushed to hear the news, and the one who shouted his own just now was the young offspring who reminded him just now, and the smoke he smelled just now was naturally used by the adults in the village to drive away the bees, as for the earth-shattering cry

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now