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Chapter 5 Chapter 5

Text: Chapter 5, Chapter 5

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"Auntie, you endure a little pain, let me see your injuries."

Yu Hui quickly entered the house with the person, put the person on the big kang near the window outside the bedroom, quickly grabbed a pillow on the kang and put it in front of the kang cabinet, Yu Hui carefully helped her aunt to lean up, and she squatted on the pedal, reaching out to pull her aunt's skirt and trousers.

There are only two aunts and nephews left in the house, the husband has not returned, and Yu Guyu has nothing to avoid, so he didn't resist, nodded lightly in pain, and let Yu Hui move.

Rao is heart is prepared, no matter how gentle Rao is Yu Hui's movements are, Yu Guyu was still stimulated by her niece's action of pulling her skirt and trouser legs, and she was sucked in pain.

Yu Hui immediately stopped her movements, looking worried, "Auntie, isn't it painful, or I'll use scissors to cut this trouser leg open" Hearing that her niece was going to lose, Yu Guyu couldn't care about the pain in her knees, and grabbed Yu Hui to find the scissors, "

No, no, I can bear it, you slowly, don't cut your trouser legs, too, too, too hiss."

Don't look at your husband who was born in the public mansion, in fact, he is not favored, their room is a cold stove, and there are actually no servants in Yuheng Courtyard to serve, but the monthly expenses in the courtyard are not small.

The daughter is still young and born prematurely, and the medicine and food to supplement the body cannot be interrupted every day;

The niece came to vote, lonely, the little girl suffered a lot, and there could be no shortage of food, clothing, housing and transportation, not to mention better than others, at least not worse than the face-saving people in the house;

The husband worked even harder, for the sake of the three of them, secretly went out to earn money to support the family, asked for money for socializing, money for the façade, and could not lose food, clothing, housing and transportation;

After counting it carefully, none of these expenses of the family can be moved, so she can only save money from herself.

And they are not even allowed to have an old lady in the pantry in Yuheng Courtyard, let alone anything else.

Living a life, a stitch and a thread, a tea and a meal, it is the three of them should have a share, go to the big kitchen to get it, but also have to give those servants who are used to eating and taking cards to get benefits, otherwise, they are afraid that they can't even drink a pot of hot tea in the yard, just this, their family of three monthly silver, can not get the full amount of money by month, which will go to the account room to see the face of others.

If it weren't for the brother and sister-in-law who emptied their family funds and dowry, they gritted their teeth and bought many dowries for themselves;

If it weren't for the fact that the husband could pull down his face, he secretly earned money outside and came home;

The days of their big house have long been unbearable

Today I want to go to Rongxingtang to ask my mother-in-law for mercy, for the sake of face, and also to not be picked on and disliked by my mother-in-law and younger siblings, she took the good pants and dresses that she was reluctant to wear on weekdays, and the price was not low.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now