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Text Chapter 26 Chapter 26

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

The next morning, before dawn, the dungeon of Dali Temple was noisy early.

"Get up, get up quickly, everyone inside wakes up the old lady, don't stand up the corpse, it's time to set off on the road, you all have to listen clearly to the old lady, everyone is honest with the old lady and consciously come out and line up, don't make a demon, If anyone dares to make a demon, the whip in the old lady's hand doesn't recognize people"

Holding her daughter, Yu Guyu, who didn't dare to sleep all night, Almost as soon as she heard the sound in the corridor outside the cell, she quickly stood up with her daughter in her arms.

She didn't care how the Du family's daughters behind her pointed at her nose crookedly, scolding, Yu Guyu moved quickly.

Anyway, their mother and daughter didn't have any belongings, so they only stuffed the bamboo tube that they were reluctant to throw into the placket of their chests, and rolled the back of the reed flowers who had slept for these days, and carried them on their backs, bending down to pick up the children who were pulling the corners of their clothes, Yu Guyu came to the door of the cell with her daughter in her arms, waiting for the cell head to open the door to gather and queue.

Yesterday, Sister Ning explained to herself, yes, even if Sister Ning didn't come to duty early this morning, they had to set off on the road, Yu Guyu's heart was also very calm.

As for the envy behind him that he took a bath and changed his clothes, shoes and socks, envied that his mother and daughter were energetic and not at all like they had been hungry, and envied that they could still have good household goods such as bedding and bamboo tubes, Yu Guyu didn't care at all.

It's just some inconsequential people, if it weren't for the situation and occasion, she even wanted to stink the group of people behind her, telling them that she had a niece to take care of the Buddha, and the arms of their family of three were fake, there was no ink at all, as long as the wound was healed, as long as there was a chance, they could turn over

Of course, for the sake of his niece, Yu Guyu finally endured the pride in his heart and did not publicize it, and heard the jailer shouting and coming over and opening the lock of the cell door in front of him, and at the urging of the jailer, Yu Guyu obediently walked out with his daughter in his arms, and stood in line on the aisle obediently.

Seeing this, the jailer expressed satisfaction, nodded and didn't say anything, but squinted his eyes and looked at the crowd of people in the cell who were still grinding and chirping in displeasure.

"Hurry up, hurry up, what are you grinding and walking, who is delaying the time, the old lady is going to beat people, and I'm not afraid to tell you, you and others are escorted on the road, the man wears a flail, the woman is tied to the rope, if you want to arrive at the escort place as scheduled, you have to travel fifty miles a day, according to your current grinding strength, don't say fifty miles, I'm afraid it's difficult to even five miles, and the poor master who escorted you is not as good as the old lady and us. If you don't want to die, hurry up and move the old lady, hurry up, hurry up"

Before he could dodge the whip that came at him, the people in the cell heard the words of the head of the jailer, and one by one they began to be afraid.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now