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Text Chapter 62 Chapter 62

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

"Captain, look over here, I've found a code here"

Captain Xiao, who crossed the river, led eight hundred brothers, carefully hiding their bodies day and night, after crossing the river, their form was reversed, and they landed on the enemy's land, and they became cicadas, and the enemy became praying mantises.

During this period, they met the enemy several times, thinking of the purpose of their crossing the river, Captain Xiao endured it and did not move, but retreated and hidden, trying every means to avoid the enemy, but they really couldn't avoid it, so they took a detour method, bypassed the enemy's patrol and defense team, and cautiously hid their tracks and left, which slowed down their pace of progress.

In order to successfully track Yu Hui's whereabouts, Captain Xiao took his brothers around again, and kept looking for the code left by Du Yuchen along the way.

No, it's been four or five days since the successful crossing of the river, and the more people track down, the more anxious they become.

It's not that they are worried about their own safety, but as they get closer and closer to the location of the High Dog Royal Court, the more worried they are about the little divine doctor and Du Yuchen, who took the lead in crossing the river to follow him.

"Alas, I don't know what happened to the little god doctor benefactor and Du Yuchen's kid"

Captain Xiao sighed with a worried face after a short pause, Suddenly a subordinate came down to report, and because of the detour, he lost Du Yuchen again Captain Xiao, who had left a code, jumped up in joy and surprise.

"Where, where is the code?"

"Here, here, Captain, look."

Captain Xiao quickly rushed over, brushed aside his subordinates beside him, and hurriedly checked the unique contact code of their vanguard army at the root of the tree, and then looked at the unique date mark marked on it, Captain Xiao smiled rarely.

"Hahaha, good boy"

understood the information clearly, and returned to the right path again, Captain Xiao happily immediately formed the team, "All listening, northeast, rapid forward".

If you are right, this is the mark left by the stinky boy just a few days ago, and the code indicates that the benefactor little divine doctor is not far ahead, if they hurry up, the starry night, they will not be able to successfully intercept the person before the little benefactor enters the royal court.

However, to Captain Xiao's surprise, they had already done a good job of mental construction, and not long after they hit the road, they magically met a trio who were going back alone on the road.

Also, the rescue team has been moving, and Yu Hui and the others have not been idle for a moment and have been rushing, going in both directions, so they will meet in advance.

The appearance of Yu Hui and the three of them made the entire rescue team stunned and overjoyed, not to mention Captain Xiao.

Looking at the three unharmed people who suddenly appeared in front of him, Captain Xiao was surprised and delighted, "Hahaha, good boy, good boy, really live up to expectations, hahaha"

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now