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Chapter 40 Chapter 40

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Du Xinlan, who returned disappointed, had not yet arrived in front of her family, and the people who were still around the old witch just now were concerned, and when they saw this, they all swarmed around, and one by one they stretched their necks and kept asking.

"How about Sister Lan, you want to come and eat"

He asked eagerly, but when he saw that Du Xinlan's hands were empty, everyone changed their faces in an instant, and the accusations and complaints were instantly overwhelming.

"You're a useless stupid waste who came back empty-handed" "You're full of food, you can't even ask for anything, what's the use of you" "

Aren't you used to pretending to be weak, why can't you do it now, you elm head, you don't know how to be like in the past, pretend to be weak, sell miserable, you stupid

Every word is a knife.

Du Xinlan was speechless, looking at her father who left in anger, and looking at these people who pointed at her and disliked herself, Du Xinlan's heart was cold, wow cool, wow cool, I just felt that the people in front of me were so strange, so hateful.

"Ah, mother, mother, come soon, mother fainted again"

A shout broke the deadlock and saved himself from the accusations and scolding of everyone.

Du Xinlanmu stared blankly at the crowd and walked towards her grandmother who had fainted again, she just looked at it, as if she was an outsider, looking at the people and things in front of her, watching them shouting and moving, Everything around her seemed to be far away from herself, she couldn't get in, she couldn't get out.

The Du family's side was in chaos because the old witch fainted again, and the situation on the Wang family's side was not very good.

The Wang family is really poor and miserable, and there was no one to see them off at the beginning, and there was no one in everyone's hands at all, so far Wang Yu and Wang Qi have not been able to remove the shackles around their necks, so you can imagine how difficult their situation is.

In this case, the sick and weak Mrs. Wang could not recuperate, and she could not eat well, the situation became worse and worse, almost the previous illness had not been cured, and when the freezing rain came, Mrs. Wang fell down again, and to make matters worse, a few younger brothers and sisters in the family, the situation was not very good.

Wang Qi looked at his six-year-old sister who was a fellow mother, her little body shrunk in her aunt's arms and shivered coldly, Wang Qi looked at her trembling aunts and sisters, and then at her unconscious mother-in-law, Wang Qi couldn't help but move to his brother Wang Yu anxiously.

"Seventh brother, you can't go on like this, if you continue like this, my mother and younger siblings will not be able to stand it anymore, Seventh Brother, you want to think about it, Seventh Brother."

Wang Yu is not worried about these relatives in the family, grandfather, grandmother, father, uncle and brother are all gone, Wang Jiayan is only the eldest in the third room, as the male of the family, these old and young around him are his own responsibility, he promised his father, promised his mother, to bring the family to the extreme north.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now