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Text: Chapter 34, Chapter 34

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After walking for more than ten days, the exile team saw that it was about to arrive in Pengcheng, and on the way of this day,

a mournful cry of

"Ya'er Ya'er"

instantly pierced the depression and dullness that filled the marching procession, and everyone couldn't help but look in the direction where the voice came from, and Yu Hui, who was stuffing quail eggs for her aunt and little cousin, also paused, and subconsciously looked forward.

In the front team, where the second room of the Du family was, Aunt Liao knelt on the ground, holding her daughter who had fainted and shook hard.

"Ya'er, Ya'er, wake up, wake up, look at your aunt, open your eyes and look at your aunt" Du Yuping, who was a little behind, also hurriedly ran up and shouted to his mother, "

Auntie, pinch the middle of the people, pinch the middle of the sister, quickly."


Liao hurriedly complied, pinching her daughter's middle among the people, Under her unremitting efforts, the lips of the people in her arms were pinched blood, Finally, Du Xinya sighed and woke up faintly.

Aunt Liao cried with joy when she saw it, "Wake up, wake up, great, finally wake up Ya'er, how are you, Ya'er"

The person in her arms looked dead, Du Xinya tried hard to open her heavy eyelids, her mouth opened and closed, and she was weak, "Auntie, auntie".

Aunt Liao only saw her daughter's mouth move, but she couldn't hear any sound, she couldn't help but lean her head over to her daughter's lips, looking anxious, "What Ya'er, what do you say Ya'er, you be louder, louder"

The mother's eager shout was like a layer of cellophane, she couldn't hear clearly, and even her vision began to blur again, she wanted to tell her mother, she regretted it, she regretted

it regretted that he was so stupid, disgusted his mother, and only knew how to please his mother-in-law;

regrets that I was always jealous of my aunt and didn't love my brother at the beginning;

regretted why he didn't listen to his eldest sister's advice, and he was obsessed with it from beginning to end;

Obviously, the one who hurts the most and cares about himself the most is always the one

who has been guarding him so far These days, eating the medicine that her aunt bought for herself with the gold beads that she hid with great difficulty, her illness was good and bad, but since she stopped taking the medicine three days ago, her situation has taken a sharp turn for the worse.

Although I am sick and drowsy, it does not mean that I don't know what is happening around me.

She clearly knew that her aunt went to cry and beg her father for her own survival, but her father looked at him coldly, pointed to the wooden flail on his shoulder that he could not remove as he wished, and said ruthlessly, "Now I am also a mud bodhisattva and it is difficult to protect myself when I cross the river, the whole family is suffering, no one is happy, if Ya'er can't survive, it is her life."

Later, my aunt went to kneel and beg my mother-in-law, but my mother-in-law hugged her pair of children tightly and said, "I am a useless person, and my mother's family is not strong, when I left Kyoto, my mother's family did not even send one, and now I am also worthless, even if I help each other, I also have more than enough strength to beg, Aunt Liao instead of begging me a poor woman who has nothing, it is better to beg my mother, after all, everything in the family is in the hands of my mother."

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