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热门推荐:一念永恒 雪鹰领主 玄界之门 不朽凡人 我真是大明星 龙王传说 斗天武神 唐朝好地主 霸天武魂

"Hui'er, what do you say we should do now, when we get to the Yamen, can we find that Master Liu, will the other party refuse to help us get your uncle, what if he opens his mouth again, or else I will take this hundred taels and use it first" The husband was taken away, Yu Guyu was uneasy in her heart, and panicked for a while, The more she walked, the more anxious she became, and the more she thought about it,

the more afraid she became.

"Auntie, don't panic, it's inconvenient to talk about this person at the moment, and the wealth is not exposed, but aunt, don't worry, everything has me, don't panic."

Yu Hui can understand why her aunt behaves like this, even if this is the case, she can't let her uncle join the vanguard army to die on the battlefield.

As for the silver ticket, I am afraid that Master Liu is not lacking, after all, he is the younger brother of the concubine of the general of Sipin Huaihua, and there are many people who want to come to the knot, and on the surface, they always have to leave some money in case of emergency, Yu Hui has no intention of touching the one hundred taels on her aunt's body at all.

Hurriedly found the yamen of Qinghe Fort, Yu Hui used copper coins to open the way, but successfully met this Master Liu, and when she finished her own settlement, When Yu Hui took her household sticker, quietly, she stuffed something into the hand of Master Liu to hand over the paperwork.

Hands are cold and mellow, this is Liu Wei looked down, and after seeing the things in his palm, he couldn't help but gasp, "Hey, this is

", and then his mind turned, knowing something,

Liu Wei looked at Yu Hui and raised his eyebrows, "Little girl, what else do you want to ask for besides settling down?"

Liu Wei played with the ruby that was the size of his thumb and as red as jade, and looked at Yu Hui with a smile.

Yu Hui was not stage frightened, secretly observing the other party's demeanor, she knew that this product was actually tempted, and the imperative in her eyes could not be hidden, Yu Hui was relieved.

She is not afraid that the other party is greedy, but she is afraid that the other party is not greedy.

In order to make everything go smoothly, in order to be able to impress this person's heart, she specially rummaged through the space, and after weighing, Yu Hui slightly opened the heavy treasures worth thousands of gold collected by the old witch's private treasury, and found a gold belt from the pile of things collected in Du Yu'an's house.

The gold belt is not easy to take out, but the three rubies used as buttons on the top are really good, not as valuable as the old witch's private collection, but they are also worth a lot.

Originally, she planned to give pearls at first, but then she turned to think about the pearls produced in Liaodong, and the pearls in her hands that were dismantled from Du Yu'an's exquisite clothes, this goods are afraid that they are not so rare, and the gold and silver are less and I am afraid that I will not be able to impress this person, so Yu Hui decided to use gemstones.

Precious stones, though not too conspicuous, and after all, they were emaciated camels, exiled, and it was reasonable to have one or two gems hidden in their hands.

Yu Hui looked at the other party's posture of playing with gems, and knew that she had made the right bet.

"Lord Liu, as soon as the little girl came, she heard about Lord Liu's prestige, and knew that Lord Liu was the most righteous person who pitied the poor and the weak.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now