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t Chapter 11 Chapter 11

Text: Chapter 11, Chapter 11

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

When she opened her eyes again, Yu Hui found that she had come to an empty but bright confined space, and Yu Hui, who had been beaten by novels, smiled.

Sure enough, what she felt just now was really right, she had waited for three lifetimes and finally had a big explosion of character, and it was rare to take shit luck, and she was hit

by the legendary hoarding weapon space

Yu Hui Lao was excited.

But how did this pie come about

Yu Hui tried hard to recall, and suddenly thought of the white jade egg just now, and then raised his hand to see that his finger had already returned to its original state, and the strangeness that echoed each other when his ability hooked up with the white jade egg just now, Yu Hui understood.

"Feelings, this legendary treasure dripping blood to recognize the master, and I have to let my ability to open up before I can use it, but I don't know how long this white jade egg collected by the poor old witch, but now it's cheap for me, hahahaha"

Yu Huile, who took advantage of it and said cool words, stepped on the grass covered with fresh green grass, and suppressed the ecstasy of getting space, Yu Hui raised his eyes and looked around, Patrol your own space.

After taking a look, Yu Hui had to sigh, it was really worthy of the space obtained from the white jade egg, the belly inside it was so appropriate to its appearance, and the space in front of her about the size of a football field was also in an oval shape, and the color of the space was as white as jade, which was very consistent with its appearance.

There was no sky, no sun, and no electric lights, but it was very bright.

There is no wind here, but the air is exceptionally fresh and the breathing is smooth;

The four sides surrounded by 360 degrees are surrounded by a milky white glass-like substance, and between the grass and the milky white substance, there is a clear stream that flows endlessly, and there are no dead ends in 36 degrees around this small world;

It can be said that except for the fact that there are no houses and no fields, everything else is satisfied.

Yu Hui stood in this infinitely extended empty space above her head, except for herself, there was only a pile of foreheads not far away, wasn't that what she had just collected from the dark compartment under the old witch's bed

Well, anyway, it must not be calm outside the space at the moment, and she can't

get out for the time being, she has time, simply, Yu Hui walked to the small pile of things and sat cross-legged.

The incident happened suddenly just now, she subconsciously out of instinct, she took away the things in the dark grid, and opened them one by one to see, obediently

In addition to the white jade eggs just now, there is also a box of huge and round, evenly sized colorful pearls, white, black, gold, silver, red, pink, blue, all of which are worth a lot when you think about it, this is not artificially cultivated;

In addition to the pearls, there was a small box of gold cakes weighing about 1,000 taels on the side;

Two sets of rubies that are worth a lot of money at a glance, such as heads, hairpin rings, and bracelets, as well as jadeite jewelry;

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now