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Chapter 81 True and False Xiangrui <> Saying Cao Cao Cao...

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Time rewinds to Xiao Yat and orders a thorough investigation into the case of the loss of the rice fields of Kawada Juntun.

With the unremitting efforts of Yu Hui, Du Yuchen, and Xiao Yuan with the scout elite team, they worked tirelessly to track down the river, and finally found something on the riverbank more than 20 miles away.

Even if this place was carefully cleaned, the clever Du Yuchen still relied on the little clues accidentally left by the thief to find the location of Yang Zhaoxian's villa hidden deep in the mountains;

Coupled with the robe on the side of Juntun, with unremitting efforts, carefully found the remnants of meat and scraps in the dog's corpse, traced along this line, and soon found the little yellow flag with the horse's feet exposed;

With a two-pronged approach, the little yellow flag family who cried for his father and mother was taken down on the spot, Yang Zhaoxian, a well-defended Zhuangzi, and Du Yuchen also went in the dark to investigate and got results.

The matter involved a landlord and general, and it was not something they could solve in private, Du Yuchen and Yu Hui hurriedly returned to report, and at the same time met another team of brothers who came with Xiao Huangqi's family.

In the tent of the vanguard marshal, Xiao Yi listened to the reply of his subordinates, and looked at the little yellow flag who was kneeling in front of him, splashing and rolling, crying and shouting to his mother to say that he was wronged, Xiao Yi's face was full of disgust, As for the thief

behind him, he sent away Yu Huixian and his subordinates, and let them rest first, Xiao Yi considered it, pointed at the table with his slender fingers, and then summoned his staff and henchmen to look at them, Yat asked.

"Strategist, Lord Qincha's carriage has arrived in the extreme north three days ago" The military advisor nodded his hand, "

Yes general, The Nine Emperor Princes had arrived in the extreme north three days ago, and settled in the general's mansion in Yang Zhaoxian's Qinghe Fort, and received reliable news, early the next morning, Yang Zhaoxian also led a large group of men and horses, and personally escorted King Xian through Hetian Juntun, We went to the village where he harbored our rice.

Hearing the news, Xiao Yi's expression sank.

Seeing this, the military advisor was busy and added.

"But the general rest assured, the idle king is young, but not the master who is easy to fool, and the idle king is young, deceived and deceived, according to the subordinates, this time with the idle king came to the far north, as well as the prince of the country to sacrifice the wine Cai, and the commander of the Jinggi Wei Xu Yang, there are two of them, presumably Yang Zhaoxian's plan can not succeed, according to the report, the idle king did not stay enough in the village and left without a stick of incense, And there has been no movement in the General's Mansion in the past few days, and Qin Cha has not gone out"

Xiao Yi nodded clearly, shook his hand on the table sharply, looked at the master and henchmen around him and made a decision.

"That being the case, master, it's time for us to move the nails buried in Yang Zhaoxian's mansion" Master and his henchmen glanced at each other, bowed down and took orders, "

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now