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> Text Chapter 30 Chapter 30

Text Chapter 30 Chapter 30

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Yu Hui was dumbfounded, and said in her heart, there are still stores that can't live in the silver, and the TV series don't dare to act

like this

Look at Yu Hui still doesn't believe it, Fang Ye raised his eyebrows, "Why do you little girl still think that the master lied to you" Where did Yu Hui dare to respond, so she shook her head and waved her hand, "

No, no, no, the little girl is just too surprised, it's not that I don't trust Uncle Fang, hey, hey."

"Hey, you kid" also said with a beard.

To tell the truth, he Fang Mengshan also admires the little girl in front of him, who dares to accompany her relatives to exile to the bitter cold land, this courage alone is commendable, not to mention that after she is still a martyr, no matter how greedy she is, she is ready to take care of her one by one in her heart.

Thinking about it like this, Fang Mengshan hissed, and couldn't help scratching his head, "Otherwise, your little girl will take this smaller girl and live with us tonight in the Datong shop prepared by Yicheng to go to the spacious place


." Although this is a bit unruly, but on the way to exile, it would be good to have a place to live, Besides, the little girl in front of me is still so small, and there is no such thing as a big obstacle for men and women, those are all things that only those who have money and leisure can only care about, if you are precarious, even living is a problem, who cares about this

Besides, those individual criminals, they are not all mixed together and locked up all the way to escort, and no one can say that

And just this little girl in front of her, she is ten years old

Well, Yu Hui, who is not obvious, is she thirteen years


Yu Hui naturally couldn't follow a group of men to live in a chase shop, not that she was old-fashioned, in the last days, the dormitories were still mixed with men and women.

She's just a more realistic person, in order not to find unnecessary trouble, to cause unnecessary things, what can be avoided why don't you have to make people find fault

Instead of sleeping in a chase shop with a bunch of men, it's better for me to stay by my aunt's side, even if I don't come and go freely in that room, there are men of all sizes around me, But after all, my aunt and uncle are still around, and there is not a group of women from the Du family in the house, not

Yu Hui decisively rejected Fang Mengshan's kindness, thanked him again and again, and ran away with his little cousin, just in time to catch up with his aunt and uncle, who were going to the adobe house under the supervision of that Brother You and another yacha.

Yu Hui pulled her little cousin to stop in front of Brother You and greeted with a smile, "Brother You, are you on night duty with this big brother today" Brother You nodded when he heard this, and shook the key in his hand with a smile, "Well, little girl, you are also going to go inside to spend the night together"

Yu Hui smiled helplessly, Spread your hands and learn each other's tunes.

"Well, my brother You, others don't know, you escorted the old man still doesn't know that this is the official post, I want to live in a flat-headed person, and the people don't let me live, so I can only settle down with my aunt and squeeze it, but thanks to Brother You, we will get up at night or something, Brother You, I am embarrassed to ask you to open the door for me with this big brother."

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now