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t Chapter 27 Chapter 27

Text Chapter 27 Chapter 27

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"You mean, it's not the cell boss, who is it"

Thinking that his niece's mind was ruined, Yu Guyu was distressed, and he didn't want the truth, but he forced Du Yaoze.

Facing his wife with a tough attitude who seemed to have changed all of a sudden, Du Yaoze was anxious, and he didn't know how to explain it, but he thought in his heart, How gentle, kind, and indifferent to his Yuniang used to be, how to walk in the dungeon, and become


did Du Yaoze, who knew that his wife had risen up in the dungeon, his face was full of shame and hesitation.

Yu Guyu didn't care, and continued to ask, "Since you are not the cell boss, then husband and gentleman, who is it, who is it, and you have to rob your eldest brother's things."


must know that the world says that the eldest brother is like a father,

even if it is a

concubine, Even if the old man has gone, but the grandmother is still in the

ancestral law, the righteousness of the clan is greater than the sky, as long as he is still surnamed Du, as long as he is still living in Dajing, as the saying goes, his parents are not separated, and now His Majesty governs the country with filial piety, even if even the title of the second brother Guogong no longer exists, even if the title of the second brother Guogong has been taken away by His Majesty, but he is still the Du family with the blood of the Du family in his bones, This is

the original sin

If he is forced by his mother and two brothers to be unfilial and unfilial, a brother in vain, unkind and unloving, selfish and only caring about his own crimes, I am afraid that if I don't have to go to the far north, their family will be excluded and forced to have no way

to live

Even if they survive, but people in the world say that people have two skins, each with their own personal opinions, there will always be people who believe in their mothers, and naturally stand on their side of their mothers to despise and suppress themselves, and when the time comes, they will have such a reputation. What should he do with his Yu Niang, and what should he do with his young daughter, I am afraid that she will not be able to find a good family when she grows up and marries.

And since the wife has entered the door of the Du family, with the person of her mother-in-law, she will definitely say that the wife is born to be the Du family and died is the ghost of the Du family, that is, she is blocking the mouth of the world with death, and their mother and daughter have to be exiled together, and there is no way to escape.

At that time, without his own protection, what will be the life of the two of them, he can't imagine

Thinking of this, Du Yaoze smiled bitterly, "Yu Niang, you know what the situation is at home.

Yu Guyu looked at the light of embarrassment and despair in her husband's eyes, and she felt distressed.

What kind of father, what mother, what brother, this aggrieved and soft-hearted husband, the bottomless quagmire

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now