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pace to Exile > Text Chapter 75 Chin Cha Arrived in Kyoto...

Text Chapter 75 Chin sent to Kyoto a...

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On the school field of the vanguard army, the soldiers in single clothes waved the weapons in their hands, practiced with great momentum, and kept whistling hehehahaha in their mouths.

Lian was getting up, and suddenly his eyes were aimed at the avenue next to the school field, and the familiar faces who were being led to the handsome tent by the duty robe, and the soldiers who were close to the edge of the school field couldn't help but desert, Looking at the people, they couldn't help but greet with a warm smile on their faces.

"Ah, it's the little divine doctor, the little divine doctor is good, the little divine doctor, you are very busy, how can you have time to come to our vanguard today"

"Little divine doctor, you are really not in a hurry to visit my Xiaochen brother, little divine doctor, Xiaochen brother led a team to inspect the border yesterday, and at this moment people are not in the camp at all, let you run in vain."

"Yes, yes, little divine doctor, why didn't you come early, if you came early, maybe you could send our brother Xiaochen."

"That's it, little miracle doctor"

In the face of the kindness and enthusiasm released by the soldiers, Yu Hui paused, a little helpless.

These cheerful men always like to associate themselves with someone, no matter how many times they explain themselves, they will continue to do so next time.

Yu Hui knew that everyone had no malicious intentions, it was just a well-intentioned joke, and after explaining more, people still thought she was shy, and gradually Yu Hui didn't explain, anyway, it was just a harmless joke.

Yu Hui reluctantly avoided this topic that everyone liked to see, and smiled at everyone, only to say that she was summoned by General Xiao to discuss serious matters.

As a result, before she could speak, the captain who was leading the training above noticed that someone was deserting below, and the sound of shouting immediately sounded, and the whip in his hand flew over.

There were two crisp sounds, and the edge of the school field was immediately silent, and the panicked hehehaha sound started again.

Seeing that the captain who threw the whip was instantly satisfied, he immediately smiled at himself, and the soldier who was smoked also bared his teeth and winked at himself.

This scene made Yu Hui smile, waved his hand at everyone, and continued to follow the soldiers on duty to the tent.

When Yu Hui came, she sent someone to inform her that General Xiao, who had come here, had been waiting for her for a long time.

Yu Hui saluted: "The little girl has seen General Xiao.

"Well, there's no need to be polite here, Miss Xiaoyu, please take a seat."

Xiao Yi raised his head when he heard the voice, laughing, reassuring the things in his hand, and motioned for Yu Hui to sit down.

Yu Hui was not hypocritical, arched his hand and sat down, and then went straight to the point and said, "I don't know if the general is in a hurry to summon the little girl to come today, what is the so-called matter"

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now