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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

There is no shortage of food and drink to live, and the salted fish Yu Hui only feels that time passes in the blink of an eye.

The cat has been eating and sleeping for a winter, sleeping and eating, and there is nothing to do, Yu Hui feels that she has gained weight, and finally when the ice and snow begin to melt, her uncle at home will not be able to lie down.

Because their little banner commander Luo Dake said, according to the rules of the Kawada Juntun, the new residents of the tun are not familiar with the land, and the top only gives each person and each household a piece of wasteland.

At the end of autumn, if you want to pay rice grain on time to use it as military grain rent, you have to work hard to open up wasteland, and the more wasteland you open up, the more grain you will grow, and the burden of the task of paying grain will not be too heavy

The three of them lined up the smallest dough, and the husband and wife divided forty acres of wasteland, and the little one also had twenty acres, and they had to pay for a whole hundred acres of grain in the autumn.

No, as soon as the day cleared, Du Yaoze found that it was a good day outside, he didn't even care about breakfast, put on a jacket, put on a felt hat, and was about to go out with his sleeves on.

Yu Hui, who was bringing the food to the house from the middle house stove, saw that he was busy shouting, "Uncle, where are you going for breakfast?"

Du Yaoze, who was in a hurry, didn't stop, "You eat yours, I'll go up to find the little flag chief's house, and he said yesterday, if the weather is good today, he will lead me to Qin Tunchang's side to borrow a cow to make an envoy."

There is a horse and mule

at home, although the temper is bigger, the worse point, but it can be used improvised, if they can borrow another cow, their 100 acres of land can be opened as soon as possible, this is the family's top priority at the moment.

Du Yaoze was very anxious, and when he put down such a sentence, the person ran away.

When he arrived at the front of the Luo family, he followed Luo Da to the Qin Tun chief's house in the center of Tunzi, but the news he got was bad news, this slippery guy, obviously promised to be good before, came to the head, this goods were spread out and directly said that the cattle were not, and they were too late to let other small flags be borrowed.

What's more, when they entered the door, there were still two big cattle

squatting in their livestock shed

Du Yaoze was angry and wanted to argue with him, but he was stopped by Luo Da, who had long thought that he knew about this wilted tun.

"Forget it, Boss Du, it's not worth arguing with him, it's us who will suffer the loss in the future."

Du Yaoze: "But the little flag chief, if you can't borrow the cow, my 100 acres of land" Luo Da thought for a while and comforted: "

It's okay, let's go home first, and I'll talk to the other brothers in the small flag when I go back, it's a big deal for everyone to do it together, isn't it just a hundred acres of wasteland, Lao Tzu still doesn't believe it, we can't do it with more than a dozen big men."

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now