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Yu Hui looked at the one in front of her speechlessly, but there was a tear, oh no, it was not a drop of radish juice, and she always wanted to be her uncle's stinky radish.

Grabbing his radish tassels, Yu Hui ruthlessly threw the radish into the space, his ears were clear, and over there, the jujube who was trying to compress his huge body was puzzled.

"Huihui, what about the noisy radish, you take him away", it won't be lost

No matter how annoying the

radish guy is, he can't leave him alone.

The honest Zao Zao was a little worried and wanted to ask the owner for a favor.

Yu Hui walked up to the jujube and reached out to touch her trunk to comfort the mellow jujube tree.

"Zao Zao, my sister got a good baby today, this is not a place to stay for a long time, I have sent the radish in just now, my sister will send you there, are you willing" Zao Zao heard this, and was busy swaying her branches and rejoicing, "

Willing to be willing, Huihui, where are you going, where are you going, you can stay in Huihui's baby, the jujube is very fast, you send the jujube quickly."

After getting Zao Zao's response, Yu Hui smiled, reached out and sent some abilities to Zao Zao, let her loosen it, pull out her own rhizome, and when it was almost over, Yu Hui sent Zao Zao into the space in one fell swoop, let her choose her favorite place to take root, and she herself was busy cleaning up the big hole after Zao Zao left.

After dealing with these, Yu Hui didn't have time to enter the space, and after entering the space suddenly, he was nourished by the space energy, and instantly blossomed and produced jujube full of jujubes;

also didn't care about the energy nourishment that Zao Zao quickly fed back to her through the space after being nourished by energy;

Yu Hui, who was at this time, when she left the small broken courtyard and was about to go to her aunt and little cousin to make peace, she accidentally came to a warehouse in order to avoid the officers and soldiers who raided the house.

In line with the mentality of not missing it, Yu Hui opened the lock and entered, and found that this warehouse, which was close to where the people lived, was full of things used by the people in the house.

Just like the place I opened now, it was full of brand-new bedding for the subordinates, mosquito nets, and even cloth and uniform work clothes.

Yu Hui didn't dislike it, after all, the people of the Guogong Mansion ate and drank better than the ordinary people outside, they went to exile, these things were used just right, and when the time came, they would add a cover-up makeover outside, wouldn't it be very reassuring to use it, and they didn't have to worry about things being too good to be seen.

Yu Hui decisively and quickly selected and collected most of them, such as all kinds of quilts, rolls of cotton cloth for the next person to make clothes, and a dozen dozen cotton white socks, and even the coarse cloth shoes that the maid and the maid wear on weekdays, Yu Hui was not polite.

As for why you don't finish it, isn't it afraid of revealing your feet, after all, there are so many things used by the subordinates, and it is impossible to say that they are all gone, no matter how greedy the people above are, they will not think about the face of the public mansion, after all, the clothes of the subordinates sometimes represent the master.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now