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Text Chapter 55 Chapter 55

Text: Chapter 55, Chapter 55

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

Numb, this is a threat, this is definitely a naked threat


but it's special, my aunt and little cousin are in their hands, and I am really threatened by them.

This group of people in black on dog days, how can they be so cautious, even the clothes on their aunts and little cousins have been changed so well, and they seem to know their family very well.

Yu Hui's gaze couldn't help but fall on the guy who threw the burden just now, looking at the figure and those eyes, a little familiar.

Knowing that his relatives have fallen into the hands of the enemy, he can't do anything about the leader of this dog day for the time being, Yu Hui took the creeper in his heart, and just when the only eyes that the other party showed were full of pride, The creeper in Yu Hui's hand attacked the guy who threw the burden again, and threw it on the other party's face with a whip, Pulled off the masked black scarf on the other party's face, and hit the other party's face crookedly, A whip mark on the cheek was hot and painful.

What makes Yu Hui care is not these, what she cares about is the familiar face with whip marks, Yu Hui sneered, "Sure enough, it's you hateful trafficker"

I guessed it was really right

It's just that what this trafficker really wants to abduct is afraid that it will be herself from beginning to end, She is still too stupid, and she is a bad move, but that's okay.

If her ability is downgraded, and now she is passive, she will also let these people know what the power of the ability is.

Yu Hui looked at the leader of the men in black and was about to speak, when at this moment, a sharp sound like a birdsong came from the tunzi, and the fighting in the tunzi gradually stopped, and thick smoke rose one after another in the direction of the tunzikou.

Yu Hui sighed in her heart, and said in her heart that it would not be this group of dogs, and she would not arrest and kill people and set fire to the house

As a result, the black-clothed leader in front of her pulled something out of his chest and blew it violently in his mouth, and the sound, the frequency, was exactly the same as what she heard just now.

This is a code Just

thinking about it, everyone saw that the direction of Tunzi was in a hurry, and the one in black rushed to the front, and hurriedly presented what he found with both hands.

When Yu Hui saw what the other party was holding to the black-clothed leader in front of her, her eyes narrowed.

Okay, I misunderstood my feelings for a long time, and the other party didn't kidnap me for medical treatment at all, but for it

Seeing that the black-clothed leader was satisfied with the record book of his cultivation experiment, he smiled proudly, and was about to open it, Yu Hui also smiled.

The black-clothed leader was surprised, looking at Yu Hui and wondering, "Miss Yu, what are you laughing at" Yu Hui What are she laughing at

Yu Hui looked at the record book in the other party's hand so directly, and snorted coldly and disdainfully, "Hmph, it turns out that you are

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now