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ext Chapter 76 Qin sent to the second little ancestor said,......

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After Du Yuchen was promoted to centurion, he shouldered the task of leading the team to patrol the border, and it was no longer the simple task of patrolling the camp on regular duty.

On this day, Du Yuchen hurriedly went to the camp to manage the grain and grass and salary, and met the brothers in the camp along the way, and everyone greeted him with a smile.

"Centurion Du, you are back from patrolling, everything is going well", this is a low-level position, and Du Yuchen is not very familiar with the same battalion.

"Ouch, Brother Xiaochen, you can be regarded as back, Hurry up, we have all received the salary in this camp, so we will send you, Brother Xiaochen, you hurry up, just right, Brother Xiaochen After this patrol, Brother Xiaochen, you are also in the turn to take a break ha, A few days ago, the little doctor came to our camp, but unfortunately Brother Xiaochen, you are not Brother Xiaochen, you received a salary, hurry up and buy some good things to coax our little doctor to go, lest we turn back and ignore you, hahaha", This is a joke from a brother who is close to Du Yuchen and has a good relationship.

Du Yuchen, who hurriedly walked to the camp tent, heard the sound and nodded his head to all the brothers very kindly, only to hear the other party mention that someone paused when he came to the barracks a few days ago, and then accelerated his pace amid everyone's joking and smiling.

Seeing Du Yuchen walking away, the veteran soldier couldn't help but poke his companion's waist, "Hey brother, look at hey, our Xiaochen Baihu Chiefs were anxious when they heard the little divine doctor." Isn't

it in a hurry

I don't know if Hui'er came to the camp to find herself with something important Why didn't she say hello in advance, so she ran away Du

Yuchen subconsciously touched his arms, and he accidentally got a pack of Dongzhu in good condition this time on patrol. A smile tugged at his lips.

Hurry up and receive his own salary, as soon as he came out of the camp, he met the brothers who also received the silver under his hand and invited him to Qinghe Fort to drink, Du Yuchen shook his head and refused.

It's impossible to drink alcohol, and he hurried to Hetian Juntun, but they want to go to Qinghe Fort, where they are drinking, and they must go.

As in the past, when he wanted to visit Yu Hui, Du Yuchen and his companions first hit a horse to Qinghe Fort, and the two sides separated when they entered the fort, the brothers went to drink and have fun, Du Yuchen went straight to the butcher shop with the silver, spent more than 100 dollars to buy more than 10 catties of meat, and carried the meat, when he passed the grocery store, he inexplicably remembered some jokes that the brothers said on weekdays, and after thinking about it, Du Yuchen entered the grocery store and spent a lot of money to weigh a pound of brown sugar.

I heard from the brothers that this thing is said to be very good for women, so Du Yuchen was ready to buy some and give it to a little girl who he had been thinking about in his heart.

When paying, thinking of the eldest aunt, Du Yuchen hesitated again, and simply added another catty, this is a gift for the eldest aunt, and it is also a gift to please the eldest aunt, after all, he still has careful thoughts in his heart, who let the eldest aunt be a person that a little girl cares about.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now