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pter 57 Chapter 57

Text Chapter 57 Chapter 57

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

The wild boy was in a hurry to chase after him, and he did not expect that the enemy would abandon the cart and ride on horseback for days and days.

In order not to lose the target, the wild boy tried his best, and he was raised by wolves, and he even did not hesitate to use his relatives to help track him, so that he was able to fall far behind the target team without losing it, but he chased it extremely difficult and embarrassing.

The enemy is very cunning, and there are many of them, following all the way, the wild boy has not even seen Yu Hui's figure, he can only fall far behind a group of enemies and wait for an opportunity to move.

Along the way, the enemy moves, and he moves;

The enemy rests, but he is still on his way;

Tired and lying in the wolves, the jungle and mountains are like his own nest, so he doesn't dare to be distracted to hunt, and he doesn't dare to light a fire to keep warm and cook, for fear of being discovered by the enemy in front of him.

When he was hungry, he ate wild fruits, and gnawed raw meat brought to him by his wolf brothers;

Drink dew when thirsty, chew grass roots;

The wild boy stubbornly fell at the tail of the man in black and sneaked up until the drunkard led Du Yuchen and Captain Xiao to find him.

Du Yuchen was moved when he saw the lean wild boy, and thanked the other party for his heartfelt thanks, but the wild boy should not thank him, in his opinion, he is defending his own people, where did he come from The

wild boy only nodded to Du Yuchen, Xiao Xiaowei and others, and then stared at the direction of the enemy's departure, and did not dare to delay at all, and quickly pointed to Du Yuchen's map. reported the situation to Captain Xiao and Du Yuchen.

"The enemy left here two hours ago, and I was afraid that the enemy would find out that it was not good to follow closely, so I asked my companion to follow, according to the news from my companions, the other party was going to the east here, and according to their foot strength and travel route, they should arrive here at the end of the day."

Captain Xiao has been in a hundred battles, As early as in the far north, he didn't know how many battles had been fought, and he didn't need to look at the map to distinguish the terrain of his location.

After listening to the wild boy's narration, Captain Xiao looked at the direction of the enemy's retreat and said secretly, "It's not good, if you go east, you will soon reach the Boundary River, once you cross the Boundary River, it will be the territory of the high dog"

Du Yuchen's face changed instantly, and he looked at the direction of the enemy's retreat, with fire in his eyes, "It can be seen that the person who robbed my family must be a high dog with a thief's heart, hateful Captain Xiao"

If it weren't for the tall dogs, they wouldn't have dared to take people east.

Captain Xiao obviously thought of this, and he didn't need Du Yuchen to ask for his life, so he immediately turned over and got on the horse.

"Sons, Gao Gou killed my people and robbed my benefactor, we must not let Gao Gou take the little divine doctor across the boundary river" Lieutenant Xiao shouted loudly, and waved his big hand towards the east, "All the soldiers obey the order, at all costs, move forward at great speed, we must rush before Gao Gou crosses the river, rescue the little divine doctor, and kill him without leaving a piece of armor" "

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now